Hi all,
I was playing around with the new jena-text module.  I downloaded from svn the 
jena-2.11.0 tag and ran the JenaTextExample1 example.  It failed with the 
following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.riot.RiotNotFoundException: Not 
found: data.ttl

this was simple to fix as the issue was that there was no data.ttl file in the 
root of the jena-text module.   So I created one that looks like so:
@prefix :        <http://localhost/jena_example/#> .
@prefix rdfs:    <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
:T1 rdfs:label "X0 X1 X2" .
:T2 rdfs:label "X10 X11 X12" .

I then ran it again to get the following result:
| s                                   | label      |
| <http://localhost/jena_example/#T1> | "X0 X1 X2" |

Now I simply changed lines 46-47 from:
        Dataset ds = createCode() ;
        //Dataset ds = createAssembler() ;

        //Dataset ds = createCode() ;
        Dataset ds = createAssembler() ;

and run it again to get:
| s | label |

I looked at the assemble file and don't really see any issues with it.  It 
should just be creating a DatasetTDB for the dataset, rather than the 
createCode() method's choice to build a dataset via DatasetFactory.createMem()

Any help appreciated.


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