OK - so the development version is not working in Tomcat - this'll need
some fixing. Some, and not all, parts when running as the ROOT do work
but anything to do with running as a named webapp is not (dispatch to
operation is basically completely broken).
Sorry about that - my fault.
I need to get this working anyway so thank you for bring this up.
On 01/08/14 15:27, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:
Thanks you Andy !!
2014-08-01 16:12 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:
On 31/07/14 22:44, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:
Hi all,
FUSEKI_BASE is an environment variable that points the fuseki
I don't find the fuseki log file: I find the directory log but il's empty.
The version of Fuseki2 is 03/2014.
Thanks !!!
Partial answer - there is a later build in http://people.apache.org/~
andy/fuseki2/ (23-Jul-2014)