On 31/07/14 14:48, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:
When I put any file in the FUSEKI_BASE/configuration I have a file NotFound.
I put the configuration files in  FUSEKI_BASE

FUSEKI_BASE is an environment variable - in Tomcat it should be set to /etc/fuseki unless it's been changed.

What files are in /etc/fuseki?
What does the fuseki log file say?


(PS Which version of Fuseki2 are you using?)

2014-07-31 15:45 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

On 31/07/14 10:44, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:

Thank you Andy for your reply,

In fact, my project is to store ontologies and datasets with jena TDB and
then I want to query them with Fuseki (which runs with Tomcat).
So, I want to query my data with Fuseki  through the storage directory
created with TDB.

I put the configure-tdb.ttl in $FUSEKI_BASE/configuration but I have an

What is the error?

  This is my configure-tdb.ttl:
# Licensed under the terms of http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

## Example of a TDB dataset published using Fuseki: persistent storage.

@prefix :        <#> .
@prefix fuseki:  <http://jena.apache.org/fuseki#> .
@prefix rdf:     <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs:    <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix tdb:     <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2008/tdb#> .
@prefix ja:      <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2005/11/Assembler#> .

[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
     # Timeout - server-wide default: milliseconds.
     # Format 1: "1000" -- 1 second timeout
     # Format 2: "10000,60000" -- 10s timeout to first result, then 60s
timeout to for rest of query.
     # See java doc for ARQ.queryTimeout
     # ja:context [ ja:cxtName "arq:queryTimeout" ;  ja:cxtValue "10000" ]
     # ja:loadClass "org.apache.jena.query.text.TextQuery" ;

     fuseki:services (

     ) .

[] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB" .
tdb:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .
tdb:GraphTDB    rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Updatable TDB dataset with all services enabled.

<#service_tdb_all> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
      rdfs:label                      "TDB Service (RW)" ;
      fuseki:name                     "data" ;
      fuseki:serviceQuery             "query" ;
      fuseki:serviceQuery             "sparql" ;
      fuseki:serviceUpdate            "update" ;
      fuseki:serviceUpload            "upload" ;
      fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore      "data" ;
      # A separate read-only graph store endpoint:
      fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore       "get" ;
      fuseki:dataset           <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;

<#tdb_dataset_readwrite> rdf:type      tdb:DatasetTDB ;
##     # Query timeout on this dataset (milliseconds)
##     ja:context [ ja:cxtName "arq:queryTimeout" ;  ja:cxtValue "1000" ]
##     # Default graph for query is the (read-only) union of all named

So can you please explain to me how to proceed.

Thanks !!!

2014-07-30 21:32 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

  On 30/07/14 09:41, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:

  Hi all,

Now Fuseki runs as a web application with Tomcat :)


   But I have a problem that it doesn't show an endpoint to work with.

I verify in the folder of fuseki-server under tomcat I find just one
configuration test file.
I try to put the configuration files in this folder but it doesn't
any changes.

It does not re-read the configuration whilst running (currently).  (This
is something to add to the admin interface.)

Can you create a database via the UI?

You can put assmebler descriptions in:

1/ FUSEKI_BASE (/etc/fuseki) in the config.ttl
2/ $FUSEKI_BASE/configuration, one file per dataset

(1) is for compatiblity - co0nfig.ttl is now really for server wide
settings only.

(2) is the preferred way


  Help please !!!

2014-07-29 12:56 GMT+02:00 Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab <


   Problem resolved and now I run Fuseki 2 as a Standalone Server.

I try now to run it as a web application :)

2014-07-29 10:00 GMT+02:00 Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab <

Hi all,

I made the FUSEKI_BASE writable and I configured it successfully.
But when I want to run the Fuseki server I have this error :
com.hp.hpl.jena.assebler.exceptions.AssemblerException:caught: Failed
Any help please !!

2014-07-23 15:47 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

On 23/07/14 14:44, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:

   Thanks Andy for your reply,

Now I want to run  Fuseki but I get this error : FUSEKI_BASE is not

Help me please.

  Make it writable!

Fuseki2 formats the area if it does not exist so it needs to be



2014-07-23 15:12 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

    On 23/07/14 12:13, Amira Sifaoui Ep Ghaddab wrote:


I m working with TDB, Tomcat and Fuseki.
I want to store RDF data with TDB.
Tomcat is my server and Fuseki is the sparql endpoint.
I have tried to run Fuseki 1 with Tomcat but I discovred that
2 is
the perfect solution : I want to run Fuseki as a web application
Tomcat .
In this link http://people.apache.org/~andy/fuseki2/, I find the
documentation and the content of Fuseki server.

   I've just put an update snapshot build there.  This, as was the

is not an offical Apache release.

     I don't know how to start!!

   In configuring Fuseki, you talked about file's configuration but

find any file to configure.
Shoud I use the configuration files in Fuseki1 ??

   See the draft documentation in fuseki-layout.md.

Fuseki2 looks for files in $FUSEKI_BASE area.

It is by default /etc/fuseki.  (It's in the log file.)

It will read a Fuseki1-style config.ttl file.

It might be easier to start with the standalone server (there is an
script as well), which picks files up from 'currently
move the files to the FUSEKI_BASE area for Tomcat.

Do try out the new admin UI (go http://localhost:3030/ if running
3030 standalone or http://localhost/fuseki/ if installed into
webapp "fuseki").

If anyone has advice and suggestions about Fuseki2 deployment,
about MSWindows (I don't have expereince of running services on
please do share that.



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