Hi Phil,

TopQuadrant's TopBraid platform (and hence our entire product line) has been built on Jena since before Stanbol existed. See http://www.topquadrant.com/technology/topbraid-platform-overview/ for an overview. We don't use Stanbol but I've been meaning to look harder at it myself.

We also don't use Fuseki, but that's another Jena success story.

Bob DuCharme

On 11/23/2014 10:19 PM, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
Hi all, I was just wondering if anybody knows of, or is involved with,
any projects using Jena and/or Stanbol which (have been|can be)
discussed and cited publicly?

A local company that I've been talking to is interested in possibly
using SemWeb technology (specifically, Jena/Stanbol) internally, but
are looking for some evidence to support the assertion that this
technology delivers and is "for real".

Any pointers or references would be appreciated... or if you are
personally involved in something and are willing to talk about it
(possibly with appropriate NDAs, etc. in place), I'd love to talk to


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