Hi Phil,

As Adam says we are using Apache Jena at the UK National Archives to power
the catalogue of our digitial repository. The set up we use has Jena TDB as
the triplestore and Jena Fuseki as the front end for reading and writing
data over HTTP. We also use other components of the Jena project as needed,
such as the Java RDF and ARQ APIs for creating the graphs and queries which
are posted to Fuseki. We also use the Elda Linked Data API (
https://github.com/epimorphics/elda) implentation which provides a nice
out-of-the-box means of viewing and querying the contents of the triple
store without the need for users to understand SPARQL and RDF.

Although it delivers all of our immediate needs I don't think we have
really begun to make use of the power of this technology yet. This will
come when we start to use Natural Language Processing to extract richer
metadata and combine this with entity recognition and inference to extract
new facts and connections. Ideally the data would also be opened to the
Linked Data Cloud enabling us to make connections to other archives and
authoritative organisations and to allow others to make their own
connections to us.

I wrote a conference paper on all of this a couple of years ago which you
can read here -
it is a little outdated but the key facts are unchanged.


Rob Walpole
Email robkwalp...@gmail.com
Tel. +44 (0)7969 869881
Skype: RobertWalpolehttp://www.linkedin.com/in/robwalpole

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Adam Retter <adam.ret...@googlemail.com>

> The National Archives (UK) are using Apache Jena to power the
> Linked-Data Catalogue which forms the backbone of their new Digital
> Archive system (DRI). They are also using Fuseki and Elda which are
> related to Jena.
> I no longer work on the project, but Rob (Cc'd) might be able to tell
> you more if you want to know.
> On 24 November 2014 at 03:19, Phillip Rhodes <motley.crue....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi all, I was just wondering if anybody knows of, or is involved with,
> > any projects using Jena and/or Stanbol which (have been|can be)
> > discussed and cited publicly?
> >
> > A local company that I've been talking to is interested in possibly
> > using SemWeb technology (specifically, Jena/Stanbol) internally, but
> > are looking for some evidence to support the assertion that this
> > technology delivers and is "for real".
> >
> > Any pointers or references would be appreciated... or if you are
> > personally involved in something and are willing to talk about it
> > (possibly with appropriate NDAs, etc. in place), I'd love to talk to
> > you.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > Phil
> > ---
> > This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> --
> Adam Retter
> skype: adam.retter
> tweet: adamretter
> http://www.adamretter.org.uk

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