On 12/6/15, 6:55 PM, "Benedikt Tröster" <troes...@stud.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:

>Hello everyone!
>I'm currently working on an university project and my task is to create
>mappings between an ontology and several datasources. From what I've
>seen jena supports MySQL datasources for OBDA, but I actually want to
>map the ontology not only to MySQL but also to Word and Excel files for
>example. Could you give me some hints as to where in the documentation I
>should start searching or maybe even some code that I could take a look at?
>My current idea is to implement a program that would return JSON
>responses upon receiving requests on an API which is accessed by Jena
>(e.g. via SPARQL requests).
>Any input or concern is appreciated. :)
>Thanks so much in advance!

I developed something that does pretty much exactly as you describe in the 
second paragraph.  It’s an application that maintains a set of SPARQL queries 
in a small database. Each sparql query uses a mapper to map the sparql results 
to a Java object, which can be transformed into multiple formats (json, xml, 
xhtml, raw rdf) and the application exposes a URL for external sites to get 
data from our triple store without having to understand sparql.  It’s been used 
in production for a couple of years.  I’ve got all the code in Github but it’s 
not an open project.  Depending on how much I can get with with a couple of 
other projects this week I’m hoping to clean things up with the application so 
that I can make it generally available.

On the data ingest side, I’m the maintainer for a project called VIVO-Harvester 
(https://github.com/vivo-project/VIVO-Harvester).  Although it was developed 
for ingesting data form a variety of data formats (json, xml, jdbd, web 
services) into the VIVO semantic web application, there isn’t any reason that 
ic could not be used for ingesting data into any jena triple store.  

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