Hello Jena Users,

I have a jena triple store full of rdf triple.
eg of triple:
foo  bar  baz

I transform it from jena Model to OntModel because I need to reason on it
(SWRL rules).
eg of rule:
bar( ?f ,?b ) -> buz( ?f )

Then my goal is the reasoner infers from eg of triple & eg of rule that :
foo rdf:type buz

...but the reasoner does not infer that.

For now, the only way I have found to do so is to manually specify that the
individual foo has the property bar on baz:
 Individual  individual = om.getIndividual( NS + "foo" );
 Property role = om.getProperty( NS + "bar" );
 Individual mbox = om.getIndividual( NS + "baz");
 individual.addProperty( role, mbox );

How could I do the same for all my TDB data without doing it manually ?
(say addProperty)

(I use jena 2.13 & Pellet 2.4)


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