Most likely not

You seem to be running into the XY problem a lot (

You keep asking how to do things with rules for which rules are not really 
designed. And from some of your responses it sounds like the problems you’re 
trying to solve don’t actually need rules at all.

For example finding the top score for a student would be much more easily done 
with a SPARQL query although from what little I have seen of your data model it 
looks like it would make it even that quite awkward.  But in general terms 
something like the following would work:

PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?student (MAX(?score) AS ?topScore)
  ?student ex:score ?score .
GROUP BY ?student


On 04/01/2017 13:25, "javed khan" <> wrote:

    Thanks Dave and Lorenz for your response.
    What if we have entered the score for a student in Cryptography and
    SoftwareEngineering and did not entered for Networking subject and stored
    something like this in our owl file:
     Name: Bob
     CryptographyScore: 60
     SoftwareEngineeringScore: 80
     //NetworkingScore, not mentioned here
    Then will the above rule fires?
    On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Lorenz B. <> wrote:
    > Inline comments:
    > > I have three subjects marks for a student.
    > >  Cryptography, Networking, Software Engineering with different marks for
    > > each student.
    > > I want to calculate in which subject a student got maximum marks using
    > Jena
    > > rule and will set that subject as HighScoreSubject of the student (
    > > HighScoreSubject is data propety) whose values will be one of these 
    > > subjects.
    > >
    > > Is this rule correct to get the required result ( I am asking this
    > because
    > > I am not getting the result required)
    > Without seeing the data, it's always difficult to say if something is
    > correct or not. Sample data makes things easier.
    > And without knowing how you apply the rules (in a correct syntax) it's
    > even harder. That means, it's always good to show the relevant code.
    > >
    > > ?x rdf:type std:Student + ?x std:CryptographyScore ?score1 + ?x
    > > std:NetworkingScore ?score2 + ?x std:SEScore ?score3 +
    > > greaterThan(?score1,?score2), greaterThan(?score1, ?score3) -->
    > > ?x std:HighScoreSubject std:Cryptography
    > >
    > This rule covers only the case when the score for Cryptography is the
    > highest. If your data doesn't contain a student that matches the rule,
    > nothing will happen.
    > Cheers,
    > Lorenz
    > --
    > Lorenz Bühmann
    > AKSW group, University of Leipzig
    > Group: - semantic web research center

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