Hello Rob,

We are in a group and we discussed it.

We have three data properties , CryptographyScore, SoftwareEngineering
score and NetworkingScore and we need the maximum of these three scores for
a student.

Can we do it like this

SELECT ?student (MAX(?score1, ?score2, ?score3) AS ?topScore)

On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Rob Vesse <rve...@dotnetrdf.org> wrote:

> Most likely not
> You seem to be running into the XY problem a lot (http://xyproblem.info)
> You keep asking how to do things with rules for which rules are not really
> designed. And from some of your responses it sounds like the problems
> you’re trying to solve don’t actually need rules at all.
> For example finding the top score for a student would be much more easily
> done with a SPARQL query although from what little I have seen of your data
> model it looks like it would make it even that quite awkward.  But in
> general terms something like the following would work:
> PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/ns/>
> SELECT ?student (MAX(?score) AS ?topScore)
> {
>   ?student ex:score ?score .
> }
> GROUP BY ?student
> Rob
> On 04/01/2017 13:25, "javed khan" <javedbtk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Thanks Dave and Lorenz for your response.
>     What if we have entered the score for a student in Cryptography and
>     SoftwareEngineering and did not entered for Networking subject and
> stored
>     something like this in our owl file:
>     Student1
>      Name: Bob
>      CryptographyScore: 60
>      SoftwareEngineeringScore: 80
>      //NetworkingScore, not mentioned here
>     Then will the above rule fires?
>     On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Lorenz B. <
>     buehm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>     > Inline comments:
>     > > I have three subjects marks for a student.
>     > >  Cryptography, Networking, Software Engineering with different
> marks for
>     > > each student.
>     > > I want to calculate in which subject a student got maximum marks
> using
>     > Jena
>     > > rule and will set that subject as HighScoreSubject of the student (
>     > > HighScoreSubject is data propety) whose values will be one of
> these three
>     > > subjects.
>     > >
>     > > Is this rule correct to get the required result ( I am asking this
>     > because
>     > > I am not getting the result required)
>     > Without seeing the data, it's always difficult to say if something is
>     > correct or not. Sample data makes things easier.
>     > And without knowing how you apply the rules (in a correct syntax)
> it's
>     > even harder. That means, it's always good to show the relevant code.
>     > >
>     > > ?x rdf:type std:Student + ?x std:CryptographyScore ?score1 + ?x
>     > > std:NetworkingScore ?score2 + ?x std:SEScore ?score3 +
>     > > greaterThan(?score1,?score2), greaterThan(?score1, ?score3) -->
>     > > ?x std:HighScoreSubject std:Cryptography
>     > >
>     > This rule covers only the case when the score for Cryptography is the
>     > highest. If your data doesn't contain a student that matches the
> rule,
>     > nothing will happen.
>     >
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     > Lorenz
>     >
>     > --
>     > Lorenz Bühmann
>     > AKSW group, University of Leipzig
>     > Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center
>     >
>     >
>     >

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