*The following query works *   :

"SELECT  ?student ?highScore " +

                   " WHERE {" + " {"+ "select  (max(?score) as ?highScore)"
+ " { ?student dd:Englishscore ?score" +
" }" +
"  } " +
        "?student dd:Englishscore ?highScore"   +


             Query query2 = QueryFactory.create(queryString2);
QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query2, model2) ;
ResultSet results2 = qexec.execSelect() ;

      Literal r= results2.next().get("highScore").asLiteral();
   String ss= r.getLexicalForm();
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"High score of Physics is"+s + "by

This query now works but when I include also the student name, it gives me
exception again.

 * Resource r2= results2.next().get("student").asResource();*
*       String s=r2.toString();*

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