Thank you for the clear explanation.


It's hard to tell what you are doing without seeing your query. When you ask a 
question about SPARQL, it's a good idea to always include the query, some 
sample data and how you executed the query, even if it seems obvious.

Speculating about what you did, and assuming that you built your "license" 
column from the DOAP "license" property, then we examine that _predicate_ to 
find the meaning of the URI. In this case we get lucky because DOAP is a 
well-known vocabulary using an http:// namespace. (Once we expand any 
prefixing) doap:license becomes 
Retrieving that URI we get a schema describing the DOAP vocabulary. That schema 
is published in RDF/XML, but if we translate it to NTriples (using a tool like 
Jena's riot) we see a triple:

 "The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed 
under."@en .

So we've found what we can consider the meaning of the URI on the other end of 
that predicate. The fact that the link is broken is unfortunate, but not a new 
problem on the Web. Bringing semantics to the Web hasn't gotten and won't get 
rid of the classic problem of link rot.

As to whether it is used in some other graph somewhere as a subject, I would be 
surprised if it is not. But that's not the thing that matters for determining 
the meaning of its appearance in a graph that you are working with. That 
meaning comes entirely from the predicate with which it appears, as subject or 
object. That's how RDF works-- meaning is built _up_ out of triples, not _down_ 
from larger contexts, and the relationship that is being proposed in a triple 
is defined by the predicate used. To find the meaning of a subject or object, 
find the meaning of the predicate with which it is used.

In the case of a predicate in an HTTP namespace, you can start by simply 
dereferencing its URI, with a browser or other tool. You might find 
human-centered documentation or more RDF where the predicate's URI features as 
a subject in a triple that gives it a meaning, as we found above. In the case 
of other vocabularies, you will have to find documentation/semantics in some 
other way that will depend on the protocol and form of the URI in use. But HTTP 
URIs are by a long ways the most common. This "find an URI in a graph, follow 
it, find another graph with more information" is the essential mechanism of 
linked data done with RDF.

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