Why not use the nightly development builds?


On 25/05/17 17:31, Laura Morales wrote:
Another thing that I've noticed with "mvn clean install -Pbootstrap" is that

1- target/ is empty

The top level module has no outputs that you are interested in.

(it is where the source-release artifact is going to end up)

See http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/jena/jena/3.3.0/

2- there are some "-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz" files in some modules, but it's confusing 
because it's not clear what files are the output of the build process

Same as the zip files, in .tar.gz format.

3- apache-jena/ doesn't have any target/ folder inside or any "-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz"

See the top level POM for the definition of -P

apache-jena is in the full build. -Pbootstrap is not making the binaries outputs. Or just run "mvn install" or "mvn package" in that module.

You may wish to add "apache-jena" to the "dev" profile. i.e. uncomment that line.

4- binaries in apache-jena/bin/ don't seem to work, I get the error "Error: Could 
not find or load main class riotcmd.riot"

bin/ are scripts for working with the binary distribution which collects all the jars into a lib/.

The only way that I can get the CLI tools to work is with "mvn package", which creates a 
"-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz" file in apache-jena/ and then I extract this archive somewhere else.


-Pdev is a "quick" profile that runs only the faster-build modules and
strips out the ones that don't change much. It's a compromise for
development - a bit more than "mvn verify" in one module, less than a
full build. It assumes it is not running from uninitialized.


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