On 13/10/17 02:36, Dimov, Stefan wrote:

I have two graphs:

Which storage system are they in?
Which version of Jena?


p1    pred1    mp1
p2    pred1    mp1
p3    pred1   mp2
p4    pred1   mp2
p5    pred1   mp3
p6    pred1   mp3

and m_p_s

mp1   pred2    w:frnd
mp1   pred2    w:fdlfkdl
mp2   pred2    w:kdsjflk
mp2   pred2   w:jflksdlkj
mp3   pred2   w:frnd
mp3   pred2   w:fjksldjfls

Please could you provide complete data such as TriG?

It is a barrier to volunteers who answers questions if the first thing you have to do is mangle email, data preparation and disentangle partial queries.

and I want to get all the triples in m_p which objects are predicates in m_p_s 
and the object of that predicates in m_p_s is w:frnd

In other words I want to make query that returns (results with) p1, p2, p5 and 
p6 from m_p and doesn’t return p3 and p4.

I’m trying to do this with nested queries,

You don't need a nested SELECT.

   GRAPH m_p   { ?s ?p ?o }
   GRAPH m_p_s { ?x ?o w:frnd }


but it doesn’t work: E.g.

     SELECT $subj $pred $pr

$subj and $pred are not set in the query.

This isn't SQL! In SPARQL, variables get bound in graph patterns.

                 FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p

The RDF dataset for this query is a single named graph and empty default graph.

Did you mean:

FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p
FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p_s


or indeed no FROM NAMED and use a dataset directly.

         SELECT $pr
            GRAPH named_graph:m_p_s { $pr $pred0 w:frnd }

the m_p_s graph isn't in the dataset hence this pattern is empty.

GRAPH is for access; FROM NAMED for setting up.


returns empty result. I tried different things, but either I get an error

What is the error?

or empty result or everything in m_p.

I don’t want to use UNION or FILTER for performance reasons.

Do you have an idea how I can do it?


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