
The inner SELECT isn't really necessary - it is just hiding ?p so rename that and don't have it in the outer projection:

SELECT ?s ?p ?o
FROM named_graph:m_p
FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p_s
  ?s ?p ?o
  GRAPH named_graph:m_p_s { ?o ?px w:frnd }


On 13/10/17 11:14, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
I answered it on StackOverflow. And the formulation of the question was
confusing. He probably meant that the subjects of the second graph are
the object of the first graph. Anything else wouldn't make sense...

Here is the data that I used for testing, thus, Andy could also use it:

Graph named_graph:m_p

@prefix : <> .
:p1    :pred1    :mp1 .
:p2    :pred1    :mp1 .
:p3    :pred1    :mp2 .
:p4    :pred1    :mp2 .
:p5    :pred1    :mp3 .
:p6    :pred1    :mp3 .

Graph named_graph:m_p_s

@prefix : <> .
@prefix w: <> .

:mp1   :pred2    w:frnd .
:mp1   :pred2    w:fdlfkdl .
:mp2   :pred2    w:kdsjflk .
:mp2   :pred2    w:jflksdlkj .
:mp3   :pred2    w:frnd .
:mp3   :pred2    w:fjksldjfls .

Working query:

PREFIX named_graph: <>
PREFIX w: <>

FROM named_graph:m_p
FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p_s
   ?s ?p ?o
      SELECT ?o WHERE {
        GRAPH named_graph:m_p_s { ?o ?p w:frnd }



On 13.10.2017 10:20, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 13/10/17 02:36, Dimov, Stefan wrote:

I have two graphs:

Which storage system are they in?
Which version of Jena?


p1    pred1    mp1
p2    pred1    mp1
p3    pred1   mp2
p4    pred1   mp2
p5    pred1   mp3
p6    pred1   mp3

and m_p_s

mp1   pred2    w:frnd
mp1   pred2    w:fdlfkdl
mp2   pred2    w:kdsjflk
mp2   pred2   w:jflksdlkj
mp3   pred2   w:frnd
mp3   pred2   w:fjksldjfls

Please could you provide complete data such as TriG?

It is a barrier to volunteers who answers questions if the first thing
you have to do is mangle email, data preparation and disentangle
partial queries.

and I want to get all the triples in m_p which objects are predicates
in m_p_s and the object of that predicates in m_p_s is w:frnd

In other words I want to make query that returns (results with) p1,
p2, p5 and p6 from m_p and doesn’t return p3 and p4.

I’m trying to do this with nested queries,

You don't need a nested SELECT.

    GRAPH m_p   { ?s ?p ?o }
    GRAPH m_p_s { ?x ?o w:frnd }


but it doesn’t work: E.g.

      SELECT $subj $pred $pr

$subj and $pred are not set in the query.

This isn't SQL! In SPARQL, variables get bound in graph patterns.

                  FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p

The RDF dataset for this query is a single named graph and empty
default graph.

Did you mean:

FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p
FROM NAMED named_graph:m_p_s


or indeed no FROM NAMED and use a dataset directly.

          SELECT $pr
             GRAPH named_graph:m_p_s { $pr $pred0 w:frnd }

the m_p_s graph isn't in the dataset hence this pattern is empty.

GRAPH is for access; FROM NAMED for setting up.


returns empty result. I tried different things, but either I get an

What is the error?

or empty result or everything in m_p.

I don’t want to use UNION or FILTER for performance reasons.

Do you have an idea how I can do it?


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