> process the graph in the dataset has the exact same triples of the .nt file?

What about simply deleting the old graph and loading the triples of the
.nt file into the graph afterwards? I don't see any benefit of such a
"tool" - you could just write your own bash script for this if you need
this quite often.

On 24.11.2017 10:03, Laura Morales wrote:
> Does Fuseki have any tool to "synchronize" a graph in the dataset with a .nt 
> file? In other words, some tool that given a dataset/graph and a .nt file as 
> input, will parse the triples in the .nt file and automatically add/delete 
> triples in the dataset/graph such that at the end of the process the graph in 
> the dataset has the exact same triples of the .nt file?
> If no such tool exists, how could I achieve something like this with the 
> existing tools?
> Thank you.

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