
My question is about Apache Jena Fuseki.

Here is my situation.

I backed up about 50G (Fuseki\run\databases\MYDATANAME) data using the
backup button, and I got the backup from 'Fuseki\run\backups', the file is
MYDATANAME.nq.gz. It is about 2G.
[image: Inline image 1]
When I was trying to upload the backup into a new server. Upload will be
interrupted and Fuseki stopped with the error 'java heap space'. So I
enlarged the space in file Fuseki\fuseki-server.bat. 50G failed with the
same error. I kept meeting 'java heap space' until I changed it into 60G
(My RAM is 64G). Then it uploaded successfully.
[image: Inline image 2]
My database will keep on increasing. I was worried in the future when I
backup my data with larger size, I will be unable to upload them with the
limited RAM. *When making the backup, is there any way to make the backup
into several small pieces, or anyway to backup with specific limitation* (For
example: The whole data contains everyone's data int a country, the backup
of everyone's data in the country is very large and there may don't have
enough RAM for it to upload. So when making the backup, I can use some
search sentences to restrict it into one province's people data, after
backup each province, I will got the whole data of my old server.), or i
can use command line to restrict my backup? I didn't find information about
it from the documentation of Fuseki.

Thank you very much!


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