Personally I don't think that backing up large datasets via HTTP is a good 
idea... I think you'd be better off downloading Jena and using one of the CLI 
tools such as "tdbbackup".

Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 2:43 AM
From: "Shengyu Li" <>
Subject: Apache Jena Fuseki - Is there any other way to backup seperately when 
my data is large?

My question is about Apache Jena Fuseki.
Here is my situation.
I backed up about 50G (Fuseki\run\databases\MYDATANAME) data using the backup 
button, and I got the backup from 'Fuseki\run\backups', the file is 
MYDATANAME.nq.gz. It is about 2G. 

When I was trying to upload the backup into a new server. Upload will be 
interrupted and Fuseki stopped with the error 'java heap space'. So I enlarged 
the space in file Fuseki\fuseki-server.bat. 50G failed with the same error. I 
kept meeting 'java heap space' until I changed it into 60G (My RAM is 64G). 
Then it uploaded successfully.

My database will keep on increasing. I was worried in the future when I backup 
my data with larger size, I will be unable to upload them with the limited RAM. 
When making the backup, is there any way to make the backup into several small 
pieces, or anyway to backup with specific limitation (For example: The whole 
data contains everyone's data int a country, the backup of everyone's data in 
the country is very large and there may don't have enough RAM for it to upload. 
So when making the backup, I can use some search sentences to restrict it into 
one province's people data, after backup each province, I will got the whole 
data of my old server.), or i can use command line to restrict my backup? I 
didn't find information about it from the documentation of Fuseki.
Thank you very much!

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