On 18/3/18, 2:20 am, "Laura Morales" <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

>    all the vocabularies that I know of (and that I can find) seem to 
> *describe* something, like a Person. Is there any vocabulary to *ask for* an 
> action? For instance in the context of a source code repository, is there > a 
> dictionary to describe an "action to be performed" by a machine such as 
> "create new <issue> by <user>" or "add <comment> to <issue>" or "fork <repo> 
> to <repo1>"?

My take is that these ontologies are application specific. The examples you 
gave of GIT have no relevance outside that specific domain. There is no doubt 
there is a vocabulary within the Git application that contains the terms you 
seek. Whether it has been translated into rdf is another matter.

The closest you can find, to my knowledge, is the API:

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