
I gave you links but I take you haven't looked. The Web-Client project
specifically renders RDF as HTML. The crucial class is this:

If you are looking to write generic software, you definitely want to render
Model and not ResultSet. With ResultSet you only get a plain old table,
with all the graph relationships stripped away.

It also helps to think about the UI as a function of the data. HTML webpage
is just one more transformation applied to the Linked Data RDF description.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:33 PM, David Moss <admo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 19/3/18, 5:39 pm, "Lorenz Buehmann" <buehm...@informatik.uni-
> leipzig.de> wrote:
>     >Well, isn't that the task of the UI logic? You get JSON-LD and now you
>     >can visualize it. I don't really see the problem here?
> Therein lies the problem. I'm sure _you_ know how to do it.
> How does someone without experience in integrating Jena with UI know how
> to do it?
>     >dataset -> query -> data -> visualization (table, graph, etc.)
> Those are indeed a set of steps. Do you have an example of how to do that
> in java code and load the result into a combobox for selection in a UI?
>     >Why should this be an example on the Apache Jena documentation?
> It shouldn't. It should be stored separately from the Apache Jena
> documentation.
> The Javadoc is for how Jena works internally and how to maintain Jena
> itself.
> I'm talking about examples to help people use Jena in the kind of
> applications people want to use.
> One of the dilemmas I have regarding Jena is how to store query results
> locally.
> I could use Jena to query an endpoint, iterate through the ResultSet and
> build POJOs or Tables.
> Or is it better to keep the results in a Model and query that again to
> build UI components?
> Or maybe I should ditch the fancy Jena objects and just get a result as a
> JSON object and work with that?
> These are all possibilities, but how is it actually being done in real
> projects? Where are the examples?
> A reply like "dataset -> query -> data -> visualization (table, graph,
> etc.)"  is very glib, but it doesn't actually have anything in the way of
> example code that can be used by people new to Jena in their own real-world
> programs. That is what I see as missing.
> DM
>     On 19.03.2018 08:31, David Moss wrote:
>     > That is certainly a way to get data from a SPARQL endpoint to
> display in a terminal window.
>     > It does not store it locally or put it into a user-friendly GUI
> control however.
>     > Looks like I might have to roll my own and face the music publicly
> if I'm doing it wrong.
>     >
>     > I think real-world examples of how to use Jena in a user friendly
> program are essential to advancing the semantic web.
>     > Thanks for considering my question.
>     >
>     > DM
>     >
>     > On 19/3/18, 4:19 pm, "Laura Morales" <laure...@mail.com> wrote:
>     >
>     >     As far as I know the only way to query a Jena remotely is via
> HTTP. So, install Fuseki and then send a traditional HTTP GET/POST request
> to it with two parameters, "query" and "format". For example
>     >
>     >     $ curl --data "format=json&query=..." http://your-endpoint.org
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >     Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2018 at 11:26 PM
>     >     From: "David Moss" <admo...@gmail.com>
>     >     To: users@jena.apache.org
>     >     Subject: Re: Example code
>     >
>     >     On 18/3/18, 6:24 pm, "Laura Morales" <laure...@mail.com> wrote:
>     >
>     >     >> For example, when using data from a SPARQL endpoint, what is
> the accepted
>     >     >> way to retrieve it, store it locally and make it available
> through user
>     >     >> interface controls?
>     >
>     >     >Make a query that returns a jsonld document.
>     >
>     >     How? Do you have some example code showing how this query is
> retrieved, dealt with locally and made available to an end user through a
> GUI control?
>     >     What I am looking for here is a bridge between what experts
> glean from reading Javadoc and what ordinary people need to use Jena within
> a GUI based application.
>     >
>     >     I see this kind of example as the missing link that prevents
> anyone other than expert using Jena.
>     >     So long as easy to follow examples of how to get from an rdf
> triplestore to information displayed on a screen in a standard GUI way are
> missing, Jena will remain a plaything for expert enthusiasts.
>     >
>     >     DM
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >

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