On 18/01/2019 18:33, Chris Wood wrote:
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the link.

I've tried a couple of things:
   - the prebuilt executables don't have a --sparql argument


Only Fuseki main supports it.

3.10.0 does support it.

   - I can compile jena-fuseki-main as a standalone package with maven with
no errors, but when I run java -jar jena-fuseki-main-3.11.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, I
get 'no main manifest attribute, in jena-fuseki-main-3.11.0-SNAPSHOT.jar',
which surprised me slightly!

The artifact is "jena-fuseki-server" - that's the "with dependencies" (jar to run.

jena-fuseki-main is only the command line stuff needed. Teh SPARQk engien is in jena-fuseki-core.

   - I doubt this is related, but if I try and compile all packages from the
repo root then jena-elephas seems to consistently fail; I can build
everything else if I use mvn clean install -pl \!jena-elephas -DskipTests

 mvn clean install -Pdev

builds a subset of Jena including Fuseki.

elephas will not build for Java11 due to dependencies that use internal JDK code that is blocked/not available for Java11.

Any tips on what to try next would be appreciated!


On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 at 11:44, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

The SPARQler webpages are at:


Start Fuseki main with "--sparqler LOCATION_OF_SPARQLER_PAGES"


On 17/01/2019 18:22, Chris Wood wrote:

It's highly likely I've got several of my wires crossed... but I thought
had a recollection that SPARQLer was distributed with Fuseki. Is this
still the case? If so, what's the local URL of the HTML SPARQL endpoint
query box?

And if not, where's the latest SPARQLer download? http://sparql.org/
doesn't contain a download link.

Thanks in advance

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