In addition to reply to Andy, all queries are run in serial.

On 29/01/2019 15:52, Rob Vesse wrote:
Comments inline:

On 29/01/2019, 11:34, "Mikael Pesonen" <> wrote:

I'm not able to run a basic read-only script without running out of
     memory on the server.
Consumption goes to 7+gigs (VM 10+ gigs), then system kills Fuseki when
     running out of memory.
     All I'm running is simple sparql query getting few triples of resource.

It's perfectly possible to write a "simple" looking query that is actually 
computationally very difficult for a query engine to answer.  Show your query and ideally 
also your data, or a subset thereof.

     This is run for about 50k times.

In parallel or in sequence, or some combination thereof i.e. what's the level 
of parallelism involved?  Is this a pure read workload or are there writes 
happening as well?
All settings are default, using GSP. Should I set some settings to avoid
     this behaviour?

No idea.  Details matter, if you want help you need to provide as much of a 
minimal complete example as is possible

     Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books Mikael Pesonen
     System Engineer
     Tel. +358 2 279 3300
Time zone: GMT+2 Helsinki Office
     Eteläranta 10
     FI-00130 Helsinki
Turku Office
     Kauppiaskatu 5 A
     FI-20100 Turku

Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management

Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's 
Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books

Mikael Pesonen
System Engineer

Tel. +358 2 279 3300

Time zone: GMT+2

Helsinki Office
Eteläranta 10
FI-00130 Helsinki

Turku Office
Kauppiaskatu 5 A
FI-20100 Turku

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