This is asked as JENA-1730 about the same time.

(The screenshot does not have details of the error building Jena from source. It is probably an environmental issue. (Possibly because the tests on Windows use a lot of temporary file space but it could be other factors).

You don't need to compile it yourself just to use it with Eclipse. Set up a maven project, either in Eclipse or write a POM and import it,


The screen shot only says there is an error - the reason is further up in the output.


On 15/07/2019 08:20, Lorenz B. wrote:

just as a general comment, Jena artifacts are published in the official
Maven repo. No need to build from source or download them manually if
your project uses Maven, Ivy or SBT.

Can you please explain how you want to use Jena?
- From Java? If so, is it a Maven project?
- From CLI? If so, there are downloadable releases which contains all
the tools and scripts.

More comments inline:

I am trying to install jena 3.12.0 in windows 8 to use it with eclipse.
which Java version?

I followed instructions of this web page:
what does this mean?

at first the repository indicated there seems to be invalid, then I
used the following repository:

and followed the procedure from command prompt:

git clone

cd jena
mvn clean install
nevertheless, after running for several minutes there was a failure.

I attached the screenshot.
attachments are not allowed on this mailing list. Please provide a link
to the uploaded screenshot.

Then, I wonder what could happens here?, the result is similar if I
download the binaries and try to compile and install.

Why do you download binaries and then want to compile them? Binaries are
already compiled. And install what or how?

Any recommendation would be appreciated.

best regards

Luis Ramos

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