Hello, grateful for any help on the following.

I'm trying to follow
https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/data-access-control#graph-acl to
setup a basic ACL for two graphs within a TDB2 dataset.

I have a base dataset declared like. this:

rdf:type tdb2:DatasetTDB;
    tdb2:location "/path/to/database" .

and then I think I'm supposed to setup a secured dataset over the top like

<#securedataset> rdf:type access:AccessControlledDataset;
    access:registry <#securityRegistry> ;
    access:dataset <#basedataset>;

<#securityRegistry> rdf:type access:SecurityRegistry;
    access:entry ( "exampleUser" <http://full/dataset/and/graph/uri> ) ;

When I try this, I get the following error:

ERROR:  Exception in initialization:  the root
file://[path]/config.ttl#securedataset has no most specific type that is a
subclass of ja:Object

Could someone suggest where I might be going wrong?  Could it be that I
have the wrong prefix for 'access'?  I'm using:

@prefix access:  <http://jena.apache.org/access#> .

Or perhaps I'm missing a JAR?  Currently using the bundled fuseki distro -
v 3.14.0


Simon White

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