Hi Sascha,

Thanks for taking some time to take a deeper look (although you may have
skipped the CSV attachment :) ). I acknowledged your help in my post. I've
rerun my examples, so here are my observations.

* Incomplete inference: It adds some triples to the inf graph (see step 5
> in the attached CSV file). For example, an owl:sameAs statement appeared in
> the query results. The inference was, however, incomplete because no
> inferred hierarchical relations were added. Do you mean this by “no, or
> limited, inference”?

Yes, I think that may be because some (backward?) rules are being triggered
while the others are not. I did not obtain the owl:sameAs statement that
you got though.

> In step 3, the inference was incomplete. I found no hierarchical relation
> statements in the id:inf graph (missing: “ont:mySuperProp id:x id:inf“ and
> “rdf:type ont:MySuperType id:inf”). The two missing statements only showed
> up after a restart.

You are right, I wrote the wrong graph name. The data1.ttl file in step 2
should be inserted in the <inf> graph, not in <mygraph>, to check that
inference is working. (Or, as you said, a restart is needed.)

> In step 5, the triple “owl:sameAs id:d” was added.

This hasn't happened in neither of my runs, at least until restart. It may
have been related to the "incomplete inference" issue.

> In step 6, I think it was MySubType, not MySuperType.

You are right again. I fixed it.

> Again in step 11, one inferred triple was present: owl:sameAs id:XXX.
> After a restart (step 12), the inference was complete.

Again, I didn't get this until restart.

I wonder whether the overall configuration plays a role in the two
owl:sameAs triples that you've got while I haven't, or something else comes
into play. Anyway, I think the overall structure is now more clear to both
of us, and sorry if it does not help in your use case.

Maybe Andy or other Jena developers may have something to add?

Thanks once again,


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