On 28/05/2020 20:47, Chris Tomlinson wrote:

I have a two questions regarding behavior I’m seeing w/ jena-shacl in 3.14.0.

The data file is P707_nameErrs02.ttl <https://pastebin.com/8wZeMiEU>, the shape graph is at 
ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>, and the test code is 
ShaclName_validateGraph.java <https://pastebin.com/qvUy2XeB>.

Can we focus on one question please?

This is a complex setup and I'm not sure I have reproduced it correctly. With the ontology added, it isn't small.

Question 1: regarding the name  bds:PersonShape at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
<https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>. With that name the results of running 
ShaclName_validateGraph.java <https://pastebin.com/qvUy2XeB> are as expected, see 
ShapeName-results-PersonShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/Hbk4dj04>.

There are two errors in P707_nameErrs02.ttl <https://pastebin.com/8wZeMiEU> regarding 
bdr:NMC2A097019ABA499F and bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E which are reported in the 
ShapeName-results-PersonShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/Hbk4dj04> file.

However, if the name at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3> is 
changed to: bds:PersonLocalShape or bds:Frogs; then detail for bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E 
reports, (see ShapeName-results-PersonLocalShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/f4F9h1E2>):

     [ a sh:ValidationReport ;
       sh:conforms true ] .

instead of:

[ a            sh:ValidationReport ;
   sh:conforms  false ;
   sh:result    [ a                             sh:ValidationResult ;
                  sh:focusNode                  bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E ;
                  sh:resultMessage              ":PersonName must have exactly one 
rdfs:label"@en ;
                  sh:resultPath                 rdfs:label ;
                  sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
                  sh:sourceConstraintComponent  sh:MinCountConstraintComponent ;
] .

which is the result with bds:PersonShape at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
<https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>. In fact changing the name to bds:FrogTarts 
also produces the expected results.

Summary: If the shape name at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
<https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3> is either bds:PersonShape or bds:FrogTarts then 
the results are as expected; while if the shape name is either bds:PersonLocalShape 
or bds:Frogs then one of the detail results disappears and is replaced by  
sh:conforms true.

Why this dependence on the shape name? The shape name isn’t referred to elsewhere in 
ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>.

A way to check is run both Jena Shacl and TQ Shacl and see if they get the same violations

I ran the shapes and data in both and get 32 violations (with no ontology added)

and then running with the datafile as P707+ontology.  Now 5 results each.

shacl v -s ShapeName_01.ttl -d P707_nameErrs02.ttl > V1.ttl

tb-shacl -shapesfile ShapeName_01.ttl -datafile P707_nameErrs02.ttl

The name of the shape does not seem to make a difference when run like this.

Have you tries with targetNode to select the node to validate? With a subset of thee shapes? That would make discussing it much easier as would a self-contained data (the ontology isn't particularly small).

Do you have an example which has one target shape and shows differences?


    a               sh:PropertyShape ;
    sh:class        bdo:PersonName ;
sh:message "PersonName is not well-formed, wrong Class or missing rdfs:label"@en ;
    sh:minCount     1 ;
    sh:node         bds:PersonNameShape ;
    sh:nodeKind     sh:IRI ;
    sh:path         bdo:personName ;

(and others) could be split up into separate shapes, one per constraint (this has node kind, node shape, and minCount) which might make the report clearer

bds:PersonNameShape also has a target - it can get called via two different routes.

It's quite complicated to track what's going on.

Question 2: With the same files as illustration, I’m wanting to understand how 
deep the:

     sv.validate(shapes, dataGraph, rez.asNode());

goes? What I mean is that simply calling:

     Model topReport = process(shapes, dataGraph, rez);

Since passing 'rez' is like choosing one node out of the target set, it is possible to write with targetNode - does this behave the same?

at line 74 of ShaclName_validateGraph.java <https://pastebin.com/qvUy2XeB> 
produces just the result:

I get three separate reports all in one model, with 0, 1 and 2 violations.

[ a            sh:ValidationReport ;
   sh:conforms  false ;
   sh:result    [ a                             sh:ValidationResult ;
                  sh:focusNode                  bdr:P707 ;
                  sh:resultMessage              "PersonName is not well-formed, 
wrong Class or missing rdfs:label"@en ;
                  sh:resultPath                 bdo:personName ;
                  sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
                  sh:sourceConstraintComponent  sh:NodeConstraintComponent ;
                  sh:sourceShape                bds:PersonShape-personName ;

BTW bds:PersonNameShape is both a target and a sh:node connected shape.

                  sh:value                      bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E
                ] ;
   sh:result    [ a                             sh:ValidationResult ;
                  sh:focusNode                  bdr:P707 ;
                  sh:resultMessage              "PersonName is not well-formed, 
wrong Class or missing rdfs:label"@en ;
                  sh:resultPath                 bdo:personName ;
                  sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
                  sh:sourceConstraintComponent  sh:ClassConstraintComponent ;
                  sh:sourceShape                bds:PersonShape-personName ;
                  sh:value                      bdr:NMC2A097019ABA499F
] .

without going deeper to produce the more detailed results for each of the 
PersonNames in error.

Is this a result of validate node semantics?

As can be seen the detailed results are produced by using validate node on the 
sh:value objects in the above two results. Is this the appropriate way of 
extracting more useful detail than the generic results reported from the 
violations reported by the “top-level” call to validate node?

I hope the questions and files are reasonably clear.

Thanks for help with these two questions,

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