Hi Andy,

Thank you so much for your patience and help. I think I’ve got a handle on 
things now and will forge ahead. 

I appreciate you raising JENA-1905 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1905>, JENA-1906 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1906>, and JENA-1907 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1907>. I’ll comment on the issues 
as appropriate.

Thank you again,

> On Jun 1, 2020, at 4:44 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 01/06/2020 21:08, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Not trying to be pedantic below but I’m trying to understand how to think in 
>> shacl and establish some expectations of the validation process.
> If it help, the general pattern is
> Target ->
>  (Node shape -> property shape->)*
>  Constraint*
>>> On May 31, 2020, at 9:40 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Do we agree that this is a test case?
>>> (one file, data and shapes combined)
>>> Only command line tools needed.
>> I agree that the combined data and shapes file exhibits differences in 
>> report results, when interchanging bds:PersonShape and bds:PersonLocalShape.
>>> ------------------------
>>> @prefix rdf:   <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
>>> @prefix rdfs:  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
>>> @prefix sh:    <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
>>> @prefix bdo:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/core/> .
>>> @prefix bdr:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/> .
>>> @prefix bds:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/> .
>>> ## Data:
>>> bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E
>>>         a           bdo:PersonName ;
>>> .
>>> bdr:P707  a                  bdo:Person ;
>>>        bdo:personName       bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E ;
>>> .
>>> ## Shapes:
>>> #bds:PersonShape           # 2
>>> bds:PersonLocalShape      # 1
>>>    sh:property     bds:PersonShape-personName ;
>>>    sh:targetClass  bdo:Person ;
>>> .
>>> bds:PersonShape-personName
>>>    sh:message      "PersonName is not well-formed, wrong Class or missing 
>>> rdfs:label"@en ;
>>>    sh:node         bds:PersonNameShape ;
>>>    sh:path         bdo:personName ;
>>> .
>>> bds:PersonNameShape  a  sh:NodeShape ;
>>>    sh:property     bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel ;
>>>    sh:targetClass  bdo:PersonName ;
>>> .
>>> bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
>>>    sh:message      ":PersonName must have exactly one rdfs:label"@en ;
>>>    sh:minCount     1 ;
>>>    sh:path         rdfs:label ;
>>> .
>>> ------------------------
>>> The differences seems to be that the hash order is different and it affects 
>>> finding targets, combined with the fact that targets are nested:
>> I see JENA-1907 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1907> raises the 
>> issue; I understand:
>>> If A is processed first as a target then the parser shapes now includes B 
>>> so processing B is skipped.
>>> Note - the effect is only in the number of times constriants are executed , 
>>> once or twice, not whether they are omitted.
>> to say that, in the current test case w/ the hash order issue, when nesting 
>> occurs owing to sh:node, then when a violation is found by (A) 
>> bds:PersonShape-personName, then the validation does not "go deeper" to 
>> consider (B) bds:PersonNameShape, by itself. W/o sh:node, in 
>> bds:PersonShape-personName, then both  bds:PersonShape-personName and 
>> bds:PersonNameShape are parsed as independent targets and  executed 
>> independently.
>>> bds:PersonLocalShape (target)
>>> -> bds:PersonLocalShape
>>>   -> bds:PersonNameShape (target)
>>>     -> bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
>> I think the second line above is supposed to be
>>     -> bds:PersonShape-personName
>>> Both targets match bdr:P707, one by class, one by property.
>> I understand the NodeShape, bds:PersonLocalShape, matching bdr:P707, 
>> meaning, to me, that the constraints expressed in that shape need to be 
>> evaluated w/ P707 being the subject (== focus node). I take this to be “by 
>> class”.
>> I do not understand how NodeShape, bds:PersonNameShape, matches bdr:P707. I 
>> think bds:PersonNameShape matches bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E because of 
>> sh:targetClass bdo:PersonName.
> 1/
> bds:PersonShape
>  sh:targetClass  bdo:Person
>  -> bdr:P707
> and is has
>  sh:property     bds:PersonShape-personName ;
> ->
> sh:node         bds:PersonNameShape ;
> ->
> sh:property     bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel ;
> 2/
> bds:PersonNameShape  a  sh:NodeShape ;
>    sh:property     bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel ;
>    sh:targetClass  bdo:PersonName ; <-- which is part of bdr:P707
> ->  bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E ;
> so two ways to get to bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel from target 
> declarations.
> (try "shacl validate -v")
> In case1: you can see the paths:
> 2 targets.
> each with one focus node
> leading to the same property shape /PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
> which has a constraint.
> (I checked the spec and it is onlt says to execute once if the same focus 
> node comes up multiple times for the same target shape but here there are two 
> different target shapes. TQ shacl agrees.)
> F: Focus node
> S: Node Shape
> P: Property Shape.
> C: Constraint
> NodeShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonLocalShape]
> N: FocusNodes(1): [http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P707]
>  F: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P707
>  S: NodeShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonLocalShape]
>  P: 
> PropertyShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonShape-personName 
> -> <http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/core/personName>]
>  C: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P707 :: Node
>  S: NodeShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonNameShape]
>  P: 
> PropertyShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
>  -> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>]
>  C: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/NM0895CB6787E8AC6E :: minCount[1]
> NodeShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonNameShape]
> N: FocusNodes(1): [http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/NM0895CB6787E8AC6E]
>  F: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/NM0895CB6787E8AC6E
>  S: NodeShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonNameShape]
>  P: 
> PropertyShape[http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/shapes/core/PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
>  -> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>]
>  C: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/NM0895CB6787E8AC6E :: minCount[1]
>>> It should execute twice -
>> I’m not following the referent “it” (but see below, I think I may).
> The constraint(s) of bds:PersonShape-personName
>> My understanding of (target) bds:PersonLocalShape is that for resources of 
>> targetClass, bdo:Person, check that the constraints expressed in 
>> bds:PersonShape-personName conform for all objects of bdo:personName where 
>> the subject of that property path is bdr:P707 (in this case); and
>> (target) bds:PersonNameShape says that for resources of targetClass, 
>> bdo:PersonName, check that the constraints in PersonShape-personNameLabel 
>> conform where the resource is a bdo:PersonName, in this case 
>> bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E.
>> I don’t see what’s supposed to execute twice.
> /PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
> and constraint minCount[1] on NM0895CB6787E8AC6E
>>> but did you mean to do this in the first place? Note while it is a minCount 
>>> failure, because of going through the sh;node, the message is the "wrong 
>>> Class" one because executing via bds:PersonShape-personName makes that the 
>>> message.
>> I meant to express that for a bdo:Person there must be at least 1 
>> bdo:personName - via bds:PersonShape-personName (the test case omits 
>> sh:minCount 1 in bds:PersonShape-personName);
> Yes - because that minCount was not a factor.
> I worked though the data removing each element that did not affect the 
> outcome, 3 vs 2, then remove the SPARQL constaint which is not relevant (it 
> contributed one violation in both cases) leaving 2 vs 1.
> and that is due to the /PersonNameShape-personNameLabel minCount
>> and that a conforming bdoPersonName must have exactly 1 rdfs:label (the test 
>> case omits sh:maxCount 1 in bds:PersonShape-personNameLabel).
>> I used "sh:node bds:PersonNameShape" in the declaration for 
>> bds:PersonShape-personName to identify the particular NodeShape that is 
>> intended to validate objects of the "sh:path bdo:personName” in this 
>> situation.
>> Perhaps I see what is "supposed to execute twice”.
>> With the "sh:node bds:PersonNameShape” in bds:PersonShape-personName, then 
>> bds:PersonNameShape validation must be executed (if it hasn’t already been 
>> executed); and
>> since bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E will match bds:PersonNameShape separately by 
>> considering “sh:targetClass bdo:PersonName” then unless there is some check 
>> in the validator to see if a (node, shape) pair has already been executed, 
>> then there will be 2 executions instead of just 1.
>>> You can see the differences with "shacl print”.
>> I do see differences w/ “shacl parse” w/ and w/o "sh:node 
>> bds:PersonNameShape”. I’ll learn to use the tool.
>> My take away is that I shouldn’t be using sh:node as I have or perhaps I 
>> could remove the sh:targetClass from bds:PersonNameShape and use sh:node to 
>> steer the validation. But I guess the latter would lead to the generic 
>> "PersonName is not well-formed …” message instead of the more specific 
>> "PersonName must have exactly one rdfs:label”.
> Dulication arises when theer is a target that is also referred to by another 
> target by some connections though the shaps graph - sh:node is one way of 
> doing.
> There are other ways to link in a constraint twice like graph linking:
> ## Data:
> :foo a :C ;
>   :prop 1 , 2 .
> ## Shapes:
> :A
>  sh:targetClass :C ;
>  sh:property :P .
> :B
>  sh:targetClass :C ;
>  sh:property :P .
> :P
>    sh:path :prop ;
>    sh:message "Hello world" ;
>    sh:maxCount 1 .
> 2 violations, both with "Hello World", for the same reason
>> There seem to be many nuances to shacl.
>> Anyway thanks very much for the valuable information regarding using shacl,
>> Chris
>>>    Andy
>>> On 29/05/2020 20:39, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> Thank you for the reply. Focussing on just the first question. I have 
>>>> prepared small self-contained tests of jena-shacl from 3.14.0 (JS) and 
>>>> TopQuadrant Shacl 1.3.2 (TQ).
>>>> The apps differ only according to differences imposed by the JS and TQ 
>>>> APIs:
>>>>     ShaclName_validateGraphJS.java <https://pastebin.com/5382xZeL>
>>>>     ShaclName_validateGraphTQ.java <https://pastebin.com/3BxmyhqA>
>>>> The DATA_P707.ttl <https://pastebin.com/ugCZfABj> contains the three 
>>>> needed triples from the ontology and the bare minimum from the example 
>>>> P707 with two different errors in two of the PersonName instances.
>>>> The ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/jDqzvPTe> contains the shape 
>>>> definitions and all tests are performed only by changing the name on line 
>>>> 9.
>>>> The ShaclName_validateGraphJS-results-PersonShape.txt 
>>>> <https://pastebin.com/seEfWKNa> shows the results when the JS app is run 
>>>> with the name bds:PersonShape and gives the expected results.
>>>> The ShaclName_validateGraphJS-results-PersonLocalShape… 
>>>> <https://pastebin.com/q1SWMC4H> shows the results when the JS app is run 
>>>> with the name bds:PersonLocalShape and gives unexpected results. Namely, 
>>>> the expected violation regarding the PersonName which uses skos:prefLabel 
>>>> instead of rdfs:label is erroneously reported as conforming.
>>>> The ShaclName_validateGraphJS-results-varying.txt 
>>>> <https://pastebin.com/CNwnE5kg> shows results for names ranging from “P”, 
>>>> “Pe”, “Per” thru “PersonLocal”, “PersonShape” upto “PersonLocalShape”, 
>>>> “PersonLocalShaper”, and finally “PersonLocalShapers” for the JS app. In 
>>>> the table a “0” means the unexpected result and a “1” means the expected 
>>>> result - 7 names produce unexpected results and 20 names produce expected 
>>>> results.
>>>> The ShaclName_validateGraphTQ-results.txt <https://pastebin.com/BQnStjVq> 
>>>> shows the results when the TQ app is run for any spelling of the name on 
>>>> line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/jDqzvPTe>. The results 
>>>> are the expected results as with some spellings of the name in the JS 
>>>> case. TQ shows no variation owing to the name on line 9 as is expected.
>>>> (Note: The TQ engine needed to be re-initialized for each use otherwise it 
>>>> accumulated results. This is why there is an init of the 
>>>> ShaclSimpleValidator at each use in the JS app even though it is not 
>>>> needed. I just wanted to produce as much as possible an apples-to-apples 
>>>> comparison of JS and TQ.)
>>>> (Note: The TQ report does not include sh:conforms true ; in the results, 
>>>> just: [ a       sh:ValidationReport ] . I don’t know if this conforms to 
>>>> the SHACL spec but that’s another matter.)
>>>> The results from the command line tests show the same as the above.
>>>> Running  with line 9 of  ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/jDqzvPTe> 
>>>> set to bds:PersonLocalShape:
>>>>     shacl v -s ShapeName_01.ttl -d DATA_P707.ttl > 
>>>> PersonLocalShape_JS_Results.ttl <https://pastebin.com/M9s859Kc>
>>>> produces the unexpected results, namely there is no detail regarding the 
>>>> missing rdfs:label on bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E.
>>>> However, running with line 9 of  ShapeName_01.ttl 
>>>> <https://pastebin.com/jDqzvPTe> set to bds:PersonShape:
>>>>     shacl v -s ShapeName_01.ttl -d DATA_P707.ttl > 
>>>> PersonShape_JS_Results.ttl <https://pastebin.com/DhBNucpX>
>>>> produces the expected results, in that the detail regarding the missing 
>>>> rdfs:label on bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E is present among the results.
>>>> I did not set up the TQ command line but I think the above TQ results make 
>>>> this testing unnecessary.
>>>> I think these tests show that there is an unexpected dependence on a shape 
>>>> name in the JS library and not in the TQ library. I think this is an error 
>>>> and I can open a JIRA issue if appropriate.
>>>> A consideration I have is that we want to be able to use the fuseki shacl 
>>>> endpoint for some processing and hence need to understand the expected 
>>>> behavior of the JS library which is integrated.
>>>> Thank you again for your help
>>>> Chris
>>>>> On May 29, 2020, at 6:26 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Question 1: regarding the name  bds:PersonShape at line 9 of 
>>>>>> ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>. With that name the 
>>>>>> results of running ShaclName_validateGraph.java 
>>>>>> <https://pastebin.com/qvUy2XeB> are as expected, see 
>>>>>> ShapeName-results-PersonShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/Hbk4dj04>.
>>>>>> There are two errors in P707_nameErrs02.ttl 
>>>>>> <https://pastebin.com/8wZeMiEU> regarding bdr:NMC2A097019ABA499F and 
>>>>>> bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E which are reported in the 
>>>>>> ShapeName-results-PersonShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/Hbk4dj04> file.
>>>>>> However, if the name at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
>>>>>> <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3> is changed to: bds:PersonLocalShape or 
>>>>>> bds:Frogs; then detail for bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E reports, (see 
>>>>>> ShapeName-results-PersonLocalShape.txt <https://pastebin.com/f4F9h1E2>):
>>>>>>     [ a sh:ValidationReport ;
>>>>>>       sh:conforms true ] .
>>>>>> instead of:
>>>>>> [ a            sh:ValidationReport ;
>>>>>>   sh:conforms  false ;
>>>>>>   sh:result    [ a                             sh:ValidationResult ;
>>>>>>                  sh:focusNode                  bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E ;
>>>>>>                  sh:resultMessage              ":PersonName must have 
>>>>>> exactly one rdfs:label"@en ;
>>>>>>                  sh:resultPath                 rdfs:label ;
>>>>>>                  sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
>>>>>>                  sh:sourceConstraintComponent  
>>>>>> sh:MinCountConstraintComponent ;
>>>>>>                  sh:sourceShape                
>>>>>> bds:PersonNameShape-personNameLabel
>>>>>>                ]
>>>>>> ] .
>>>>>> which is the result with bds:PersonShape at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
>>>>>> <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>. In fact changing the name to 
>>>>>> bds:FrogTarts also produces the expected results.
>>>>>> Summary: If the shape name at line 9 of ShapeName_01.ttl 
>>>>>> <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3> is either bds:PersonShape or 
>>>>>> bds:FrogTarts then the results are as expected; while if the shape name 
>>>>>> is either bds:PersonLocalShape or bds:Frogs then one of the detail 
>>>>>> results disappears and is replaced by  sh:conforms true.
>>>>>> Why this dependence on the shape name? The shape name isn’t referred to 
>>>>>> elsewhere in ShapeName_01.ttl <https://pastebin.com/spJJAsJ3>.
>>>>> A way to check is run both Jena Shacl and TQ Shacl and see if they get 
>>>>> the same violations
>>>>> I ran the shapes and data in both and get 32 violations (with no ontology 
>>>>> added)
>>>>> and then running with the datafile as P707+ontology.  Now 5 results each.
>>>>> shacl v -s ShapeName_01.ttl -d P707_nameErrs02.ttl > V1.ttl
>>>>> tb-shacl -shapesfile ShapeName_01.ttl -datafile P707_nameErrs02.ttl
>>>>> The name of the shape does not seem to make a difference when run like 
>>>>> this.
>>>>> Have you tries with targetNode to select the node to validate? With a 
>>>>> subset of thee shapes? That would make discussing it much easier as would 
>>>>> a self-contained data (the ontology isn't particularly small).
>>>>> Do you have an example which has one target shape and shows differences?
>>>>> This:
>>>>> bds:PersonShape-personName
>>>>>    a               sh:PropertyShape ;
>>>>>    sh:class        bdo:PersonName ;
>>>>>    sh:message      "PersonName is not well-formed, wrong Class or missing 
>>>>> rdfs:label"@en ;
>>>>>    sh:minCount     1 ;
>>>>>    sh:node         bds:PersonNameShape ;
>>>>>    sh:nodeKind     sh:IRI ;
>>>>>    sh:path         bdo:personName ;
>>>>> .
>>>>> (and others) could be split up into separate shapes, one per constraint 
>>>>> (this has node kind, node shape, and minCount) which might make the 
>>>>> report clearer
>>>>> bds:PersonNameShape  also has a target - it can get called via two 
>>>>> different routes.
>>>>> It's quite complicated to track what's going on.

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