I use on the SF (1) site (powered by (2) ) a secondary TDB database, not
exposed via SPARQL, which contains annotations on the primary data.
This enables to have roughly the equivalent of git; its records a history
of user edits.
Via web pages, only a bit of this data is exposed, allowing to show this
historic table view:

This is an alternative to RDF* , AFAIK .
If someone is interested, I can document the structure of the secondary TDB

(1) SF site http://semantic-forms.cc:1952/
(2) SF software http://semantic-forms.cc:9112/ldp/semantic_forms

Jean-Marc Vanel
(0)6 89 16 29 52

Le dim. 13 déc. 2020 à 20:35, Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com> a écrit :

> > What's your interest in RDF*?
> There seems to have been this endless debate about triplestores vs
> property graphs since as far as I can remember. This new standard
> apparently promises to be the best of both world by supporting RDF plus
> what they call "richer types" (aka nodes, vertexes). "Richer" compared to
> the extremely atomic level of triples. So my interest is mostly to try it
> and see how it compares. Also from a storage point of view since everything
> that I've read claims that property graphs are faster to traverse because
> their storage is not "index-based" like triples. I've personally tried to
> use a couple of property graphs databases but I keep going back to
> triplestores for the only reason that they use more standardized
> technology. Every property graph instead seems to have its own way of doing
> things; I couldn't even find a standardized format for exporting/importing
> graphs or a standardized query language (although there are some efforts
> toward one called GQL). So if RDF* can combine the best parts of both
> worlds, I want to try it :)
> Please note that I'm not personally interested in the semantic web or the
> RDF artificial intelligence koolaid. I'm interested in the graph model with
> a great appreciation for free standards and simplicity. If RDF* can make
> the design of graphs simpler (ie. richer structures, fewer hacks and
> workarounds) then it's definitely something that I will use.
> Another issue for me with property graphs, but I would like to hear your
> feedback on this, is that properties are indexed globally and it's my
> understanding that they only accept one data type (eg. Integer). So I'm not
> sure how indexing work over there from a storage point of view. I think
> they would require me to define 2 properties instead of one or some kind of
> namespace, let's say "ns1_age" and "ns2_age" where one property takes
> Integer and the other one String for example. Which, at the end of the day,
> is the same thing as using RDF prefixes.

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