The source code , with store and SPARQL to retrieve, and a few
explanations, is here:

The trick used is to create a new URI for each modification of the main
database ( find
http://localhost:9000/ldp/1486136803523-89228787433384#1486136808956 in the
source code ) , that is used both as a subject for metadata, and as a graph
for the current modified triples.

It deserves more explanations I think.

Jean-Marc Vanel
(0)6 89 16 29 52

Le lun. 14 déc. 2020 à 13:57, Laura Morales <> a écrit :

> > This is an alternative to RDF* , AFAIK .
> > If someone is interested, I can document the structure of the secondary
> > database.
> I don't want to abuse your time but yes, this would be helpful. Even just
> a sketch of it, just to get the idea.

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