On 21/12/2020 07:47, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:

On 20.12.20 17:19, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 20/12/2020 09:20, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:

On 19.12.20 21:14, Laura Morales wrote:
Is this

          << :a :b :c >> :d ; :e .

the equivalent of this?

          << :a :b :c >> :d .
          << :a :b :c >> :e .

Will Fuseki/Jena store them and treat them the same exact way?

Yes - there is no changes to Turtle except to add <<>> as a new kind
of RDF term. For syntax, the new annotation syntax (in issue 9) is
likely to happen and is a way to write <<>> and assert the triple in
one form.

Yep - something that I think might be confusing for people start using
RDF* might be the fact that

<< :a :b :c >> :d .
is just an annotation but doesn't add the triple itself.

<< :a :b :c >> :d "object" .

is a triple. It is a triple about another ":a :b :c" These <<>> things behave like literals in the sense that their representation tells you everything you need to know about them.

The subject is the (new) RDF term << :a :b :c >>.

I'm also
wondering how triple stores will handle this if the triple itself
doesn't exist

<< :a :b :c >> is a new kind of Node in Jena (Node_Triple).

 - will it simply be dropped after parsing the whole
document is done? Given that the triple could occur after the annotation
in a stream, this needs some more effort for triple stores, right?

Not in Jena the <<>> is a new RDF Term (node) and is a first-class object in the system. It does not need triple ":a :b :c" to exist.

Annotations are not stored directly with the triple they annotate. There is an indirection through the <<>> term.

what happens if a SPARQL INSERT does add just the annotation? I guess
nothing, or will the annotation be kept nevertheless - I don't think so?

On the other hand, the annotation syntax will add both, the triple and
the annotation in a step - this is nice.

For our readers: this is annotation syntax:

:a :b :c {| :d "object" |}

it is syntax for two triples:

:a :b :c .
<< :a :b :c >> :d "object" .

Modelling in the data is used for complex use cases -
Here is a larger example where we have two separate sources for a triple:

PREFIX :       <http://example/>
PREFIX xsd:     <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>

:s :p :o {| :source [ :graph <http://host1/> ;
                      :date "2020-01-20"^^xsd:date
                    ] ;
            :source [ :graph <http://host2/> ;
                      :date "2020-12-31"^^xsd:date
          |} .

It is:

@prefix :      <http://example/> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

:s      :p      :o .

<< :s :p :o >>
        :source  [ :date   "2020-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
                           :graph  <http://host2/>
                 ] .
<< :s :p :o >>
        :source  [ :date   "2020-01-20"^^xsd:date ;
                   :graph  <http://host1/>
                 ] .

or (same triples)

<< :s :p :o >>
        :source  [ :date   "2020-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
                           :graph  <http://host2/>
                 ] ;
        :source  [ :date   "2020-01-20"^^xsd:date ;
                   :graph  <http://host1/>
                 ] .

Like every use of "1"^^xsd:integer or <http://example/> is the same RDF term (and unliek the []-syntax) , every use of <<:s :p :o>> is the same term.


Everything else is left untouched.

";" and "," are just syntactic sugar in Turtle.

How the triples are written makes no difference - a graph is a set of

Syntax test suite:



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