Everything is clear, thank you. But can I just say, that {| |} is so ugly. 
Since the spec is still WIP, is there any chance that it could be changed to 
something else? A 1-character symbol maybe?

> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 at 1:00 PM
> From: "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org>
> To: users@jena.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Turtle* same term twice
> On 21/12/2020 11:34, Laura Morales wrote:
> > Pardon, a couple of things that are not completely clear to me:
> >
> > - is    :a :b :c {| :d "object" |}    a valid Turtle syntax? I've never 
> > seen it before
> Yes - it is the new annotation syntax for RDF*
> See the link in previous email to the RDF-start community test cases.
> >
> > - if I load this with Fuseki/Jena    << :a :b :c >> :d :e .    will Jena 
> > automatically create the :a :c :c triple? This is important for me to know, 
> > or if there is a switch to enable this behavior
> No, it will not create the triple ":a :b :c"
>      << :a :b :c >> :d :e .
> is one triple.
> subject = << :a :b :c >>
> predicate = :d
> object = :e
> Simply write:
> :a :b :c .
> << :a :b :c >> :d :e .
> or use
> :a :b :c {| :d :e |}
> (the latter is not in 3.17.0)
> This is different to the original paper. This is the same as RDF-star
> community specs at the moment.
> Annotation syntax arose to make it convenient to assert and annotate at
> the same time.
> Always asserting ":a :b :c" when <<>> is used is limiting;
> << :a :b :c >> :withdrawn "2020-12-31" .
> is impossible because :a :b :c would still be there. i.e. you can't talk
> about a triple without it being "true" - true means
> graph contains (:a :b :c)
> Some of the use cases :
> https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/UCR/rdf-star-ucr.html
>      Andy

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