Hi Andy,
thanks for your reply.

I guess this requires a TDB endpoint, or is there any kind of SPARQL* support for HTTP endpoints?

HTTP endpoint = Fuseki?

Not necessarily, I mean Jena used to query a remote SPARQL endpoint via HTTP, whatever the server providing it.

I'm thinking of both the case where the remote endpoint has star support, and the idea of translating SPARQL* constructs into patterns based on the rdf: vocabulary (rdf:Statement, rdf:subject, etc).

No need - send a SPARQL-star query.

But, what if the endpoint doesn't support -star syntax? I'd expect a syntax error. I'm thinking that, in this case, it could be useful if Jena could translate a pattern like:

<< ?s ex:pred ?o>> ex:meta ?so


?stmt a rdf:Statement;
          rdf:subject ?s;
          rdf:predicate ex:pred;
          rdf:object ?o;
          ex:meta ?so.

which would allow to send -star queries to plain SPARQL endpoints (yes, with quite a deal of semantic assumptions).

(I have code that does RDF-star<->reification. There's an open JIRA somewhere.)

interesting, you mean something like above?


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