Hi Andy,

thank you again and sorry for my late reply.

On 17/02/2021 10:49, Andy Seaborne wrote:

There is no special support for SPARQL-star like use of another, plain server.

But, what if the endpoint doesn't support -star syntax? I'd expect a syntax error.


Thanks for the clarification.

RDF-star is not exactly the original RDF reification. You can do use it for the same use cases but not in a simple replacement fashion.

Yes, I read this around. I've also read that there are two different semantic interpretations (aligning with reified statements or considering RDF* statements are something different).

When I think of translating RDF* to/from rdf:Statement, I think it would be an optional mode, which could be enabled/disabled in a particular software. But I haven't thought of all the possible practical implications, for the moment I've in mind annotated relations ( provenance, F-score, pvalue, etc), for which working with RDF* would be useful but not all the triple stores support it as yet.

 but if someone else says

<<:s :p :o >> :validFrom "Saturday" ;
              :validTo "Sunday" .

    rdf:subject :s;
    rdf:predicate :p
    rdf:object :o;
    :validFrom "Monday" ;
    :validFrom "Saturday" ;
    :validTo "Wednesday" ;
    :validTo "Sunday" .

whish is gibberish.

It needs to be:

<<:s :p :o >> :valid [ :from "Monday" ; :to "Wednesday" ] .
<<:s :p :o >> :valid [ :from "Saturday" ; :to "Sunday" ] .

As you say, this doesn't seem to be a problem related to the possible interpretation of RDF-star statements, <subj> createdOn d1, d2 is likely inconsistent, no matter if <subj> is a plain URI or a triple. I mean, if one states  <<:s :p :o>> createdOn d1 and then <<:s :p :o>> createdOn d2 (in the same named graph or under the NG union semantics), this should result in two statements having the same subject triple, or am I missing something?


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