On 29/03/2021 07:32, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
that's non-standard SPARQL. You have to add a custom function in that case, for a local Apache Jena triple store it works like described here [1]. When querying other remote endpoint of course is does not and you have to check for support on their underlying triple store.

[1] https://jena.apache.org/documentation/query/extension.html

There is an implementation of the alogorithm in Apache Commons Text, along with other measures:



On 27.03.21 14:33, emri mbiemri wrote:

I am interested to know if there is any way I could use Levenstein distance within a SPARQL query. Let's say I want to select only the objects that have a Levenstein distance < 3. I have seen a function on a side that says LEVENSHTEIN_DIST(string1, string2) is supported by SPARQL, but it is not working for me.
I appreciate your help.

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