This lemon lexicon model could be useful:

On 29/04/2021 15.27, Laura Morales wrote:
I have problems with the fact that, in English, words can have multiple 
meanings and can also be used as verbs, nouns, etc. In RDF, I feel like I'm 
compelled to define a term and its one meaning that is unique across the entire 
vocabulary. If I want to use the same term to mean two or more things, I have 
to use two dictionaries or I have to come up with weird combinations of 
multiple words. You know, like SimpleBeanFactoryAwareAspectInstanceFactory.
I was wondering if there is any way to define a term whose meaning depends on the 
context. For example Lorem.foobar and Ipsum.foobar, "foobar" could mean two 
entirely different things depending on whether it's a property of the type Lorem or type 
Ipsum. AFAIK OWL defines domains/ranges for terms, so maybe these can be used for this 
goal? What would be the practical implications, for example if I were to use Fuseki 
without an OWL reasoner (ie. just by loading a bunch of triples and start querying with 

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