On 18/05/2021 09:35, Martin Van Aken wrote:
Thanks Bob & Andy - also just realized that Bob is the author of the SPARQL
book I bought a couple of weeks ago. Thanks a lot, it's the most
comprehensive source of information I found about the SPARQL world!

So if I understand correctly, the .bat/.sh are just in the end calling java
classes as all the actual code is bundled in both distributions.

Yes, correct.

Does that
means I could get the bat/sh files from the distribution and just copy them
where I have my fuseki (assuming a good Jena home & other classpath fun

A bit of classpath fun needed but otherwise "yes".

Specifically this line:


so if you lay the files out (IIRC lib/ can be a symbolic link) it should work.

The next line:
LOGGING="${LOGGING:--Dlog4j.configurationFile= file:$JENA_HOME/log4j2.properties}"

can be changed to "unset LOGGING" because there is a setup built into the java as well
or edit to change the "file:"
or set externally.

(otherwise you get a cryptic message from log4j2 but it still works.)

Most commands the same script with a name change for the command executed. The scripts in the distribution are built from templates.
They are written by "cmd-maker" in <source>/apache-jena.

The exceptions are the tdb1 loader2 scripts - the shell commands are the command itself calling the java-implemnted steps.

Andy - a bit if the same question - I can indeed download the full distri
but I'd like to avoid having it twice so is it possible to just take the
"missing" part (shell script) and add it to my fuseki instance?

Yes - tweak the shell scripts for the classpath and logging (which I have done in the past).



On Sat, 15 May 2021 at 19:25, Bob DuCharme <b...@snee.com> wrote:

To add to what Andy said, you may find my latest blog entry "Hidden gems
included with Jena’s command line utilities
<http://www.bobdc.com/blog/jenagems/>" to be useful:

On 5/11/21 11:44 AM, Martin Van Aken wrote:

Hello again!
I've a fuseki instance running (as we need the API) - but OTOH I'd like to
use the various command like tools (like tdbquery or tdbstats). I'm unclear
of the exact relations between Jena & Fuseki. I feel with Fuseki I've a
full set (SPARQL engine, TDB db plus an API on top) - but I don't get
everything that is in the Jena "main" distro.

Can I combine both? How can I install the various tools to complement my
existing Fuseki install (if that make sense).



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