On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 3:59 PM Steve Vestal
<steve.ves...@adventiumlabs.com> wrote:

PubChemRDF, OSLC, and probably others define their own light-weight
query protocol, conceptually similar to the Jena Graph interface.  I was
curious if there exists, or there are moves afoot to propose, a standard
"SPARQL lite" or BGP query protocol, closer to the Jena Graph or
StageGenerator interfaces than full SPARQL?

On 18/05/2021 15:06, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
Triple Pattern Fragments?

Hi Steve,

What's the use cases behind those those light-weight query protocols?
There's a big difference between Graph.find and BGP here - Graph.find (and TPF) are low impact on the storage/.

That said, I think the bulding block is "triple pattern + filter". The filter could test slots of the triple pattern maybe in a limited fashion e.g. range

{ ?s ?p ?o . FILTER (?o > 10 && ?o < 500) }

not FILTER(?x/2 - FLOOR(?x/2) != 0) ## Test ?x is odd

and if a range, it's easy to make the query string parameters.

BGPs can be server-side expensive.


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