Hi Steve,

Indeed the NCBI PubChem team is really worried about having a resilient service, at least that is what I recall of the conversation over sake. But with the lower cost of hosting a sparql endpoint they may change their minds.

Also of interest is.

If you want a pubchem rdf sparql endpoint you should definitely ask them for it.


On 18/05/2021 20:59, Steve Vestal wrote:
Re use cases, the OSLC folks say they want to enable light-weight addition of OSLC support to existing servers of specialized data (they mention that nothing prevents SPARQL if vendors want to). It would be my own speculation, just a guess, that the US National Center for Biotechnology Information does not want to host full SPARQL query services for huge numbers of people.

The BGP comment is informative, thanks.  That would explain why these other solutions are also fairly simple single-triple-pattern sorts of things that can be encoded in the query part of a URL.

On 5/18/2021 1:36 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 3:59 PM Steve Vestal
<steve.ves...@adventiumlabs.com> wrote:

PubChemRDF, OSLC, and probably others define their own light-weight
query protocol, conceptually similar to the Jena Graph interface.  I was curious if there exists, or there are moves afoot to propose, a standard
"SPARQL lite" or BGP query protocol, closer to the Jena Graph or
StageGenerator interfaces than full SPARQL?

On 18/05/2021 15:06, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
Triple Pattern Fragments?

Hi Steve,

What's the use cases behind those those light-weight query protocols?
There's a big difference between Graph.find and BGP here - Graph.find (and TPF) are low impact on the storage/.

That said, I think the bulding block is "triple pattern + filter". The filter could test slots of the triple pattern maybe in a limited fashion e.g. range

{ ?s ?p ?o . FILTER (?o > 10 && ?o < 500) }

not FILTER(?x/2 - FLOOR(?x/2) != 0) ## Test ?x is odd

and if a range, it's easy to make the query string parameters.

BGPs can be server-side expensive.



        *Jerven Tjalling Bolleman*
Principal Software Developer
*SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics*
1, rue Michel Servet - CH 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland
t +41 22 379 58 85
Jerven.Bolleman@sib.swiss - www.sib.swiss

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