A big thanks for this - it gives me some paths to explore. I think indeed
my biggest problems are in the optional parts - I'll run the test you
advised and also look in which case I may be able to get rid of the
optionals to avoid those situations that could lead to a big amount of
results as you mentioned. I'm already looking at getting my filters closer
to definition - can this be done for things other than pure equality (for
example for the date that are testing for a range?).

Maybe one question about optional - I use them in some cases to avoid empty
results. An example is Access - some paper have an Access triple (Open or
Closed) - but some have none. My understanding is that if I make a link
without optional like:

?paper iospress:accessibility ?access

this will de facto remove all papers without access from the set. This is
something I don't want (I want them in the list, just with an empty value
there) - and my understanding is that the way to manage this is an
Optional. Is this correct? Is there a "better" way? If this ends up being
costly, I could also check to actually have a value for those (those
without value are technically "Closed").

Something I was wondering also is whether it makes sense to split the
fields I need for search/filtering vs the ones I want to see on the result.
I've a feeling that in theory I could play with two queries - one with only
the params I need for the filtering, then play something similar to
DESCRIBE on each record on the filtered set - but I've no idea if this
would be more performant than keeping it together as it is now.

Anyway, the exchanges here are much appreciated!

On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 19:18, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> Martin,
> That's a complicated query and I haven't got my head aroud it completely
> yet.
> There are some useful points to understand:
> A::
> What is the time and outcome of these queries that focus on the main
> data location part:
> 1/
> SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
>   ?paper  iospress:publicationDate ?pubDate
>   FILTER( test...)
> }
> 2/
>   SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
>   ?paper  iospress:publicationDate ?pubDate
>           iospress:publicationIncludesKeyword ?keyword .
>   FILETER ( && (regex (?keyword, "sickness", "i"))
> 3/
> SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
>    {?paper rdf:type iospress:Chapter.}
>              union
>    {?paper rdf:type iospress:Article.}
>    ?paper  iospress:publicationDate ?pubDate
>    FILTER( test))
> }
> 4/
> SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
>   ?paper  iospress:publicationDate ?pubDate
>   FILTER(.. date test...)
>    {?paper rdf:type iospress:Chapter.}
>              union
>    {?paper rdf:type iospress:Article.}
> }
> B::
> then is it the case that some optionals have more effect than others?
> Some are "high risk":
> ---
>      OPTIONAL {
>          ?author iospress:contributorAffiliation ?affiliation.
>          ?affiliation rdfs:label ?university;
>      }
>       OPTIONAL {
>        ?affiliation iospress:geocodingOutput ?geocoded.
>        ?geocoded iospress-geocode:country ?country
>      }
> ---
> Suppose the first does not match then the second is a lot of results
> unrelated to ?paper.
> C::
> distinct
> it might be worth trying without distinct because distinct can cause a
> lot of results to be reduced to just a few, hiding redundant work.
>      Andy
> On 18/05/2021 13:31, Martin Van Aken wrote:
> > Hello again,
> > After some more days of me trying to get a better performance & the
> > approval of my company, here is what we try to run (query at the bottom
> of
> > the mail).
> >
> > For some context:
> >
> > - This is a search for academia papers. Papers have multiple authors, and
> > authors are part of multiple universities. Papers also have multiple
> > keywords and are generally part of a set (an issue) itself part of a set
> (a
> > volume) itself part of a set (a journal).
> > - Our goal is to have a multicriteria search front end, so the query is
> > generated from a form with clauses selected by the user. The structure is
> > always the same, this example use a single condition on the "keyword"
> > - The set of data is relatively small - around 150k papers (so probably
> 1M
> > triples there), probably around 500k authors
> > - We use group/concat as we want to give as results one line per paper
> (vs
> > having one per paper per keyword for example)
> > - I've read OPTIONALS are pretty bad - but I've no real alternative here
> > that I know off when some fields can be present or not and I don't want
> to
> > throw away all that miss at least one
> >
> > For our current results, all but the most precise queries (getting into a
> > super limited set of papers, like <10) get extremely slow (easily to
> dozens
> > of seconds, sometimes more). I feel that there is something obvious that
> > I'm missing, either in the query or my Jena config. The server is on an
> old
> > version but I make my tests locally on a 4.0.0 "out of the box" (0
> > configuration).
> >
> > What I've tried:
> >
> > - Removing the ORDER does not impact much
> > - Removing most optionals works... but remove the point of the query
> > - Using contains instead of regex does not impact much (I've the goal to
> > use Jena/Lucene integration for everything text related)
> >
> > I'm really in for an opinion as taking my RDBMS background this is the
> > equivalent of less than 3M records split on around 8 tables - something
> > that should be queryable mostly in sub second times.
> >
> > Any feedback is most welcome !
> >
> > Martin
> >
> > PREFIX rdf: <>
> >      PREFIX rdfs: <>
> >      PREFIX iospress: <>
> >      PREFIX iospress-geocode: <>
> >      PREFIX iospress-dt: <>
> >      PREFIX xsd: <>
> >
> >      SELECT ?type ?pubDate ?paper ?doi ?title ?abstract ?access
> >          (group_concat(distinct ?authorName;separator=", ") as ?Authors)
> >          (group_concat(distinct ?keyword;separator=", ") as ?keywords)
> >          (group_concat(distinct ?university;separator=", ") as
> ?universities)
> >          (group_concat(distinct ?country;separator=", ") as ?countries)
> >      WHERE {
> >          {?paper rdf:type iospress:Chapter.}
> >              union
> >          {?paper rdf:type iospress:Article.}
> >
> >          ?paper rdfs:label ?title;
> >                   rdf:type ?type;
> >
> >                   iospress:publicationDate ?pubDate;
> >                   iospress:publicationAbstract ?abstract;
> >
> >                   iospress:publicationIncludesKeyword ?keyword;
> >                   iospress:publicationAuthorList [?idx ?author].
> >
> >          ?issueOrBook iospress:partOf ?volumeOrSerie.
> >          ?paper iospress:partOf ?issueOrBook.
> >
> >
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?issueOrBook iospress:isbn ?bookIsbn.
> >      }
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?paper iospress:publicationDoiUrl ?doi.
> >      }
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?author rdfs:label ?authorName.
> >      }
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?author iospress:contributorAffiliation ?affiliation.
> >          ?affiliation rdfs:label ?university;
> >      }
> >       OPTIONAL {
> >        ?affiliation iospress:geocodingOutput ?geocoded.
> >        ?geocoded iospress-geocode:country ?country
> >      }
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?paper iospress:publicationAccessibility ?access.
> >      }
> >      OPTIONAL {
> >          ?volumeOrSerie iospress:partOf ?journal;
> >      }
> >      FILTER(
> >          (
> >              (datatype(?pubDate) = xsd:date && xsd:dateTime(?pubDate) >
> > "1999-12-31T23:00:00.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime && xsd:dateTime(?pubDate) <
> > "2021-05-18T12:16:58.841Z"^^xsd:dateTime ) ||
> >              (datatype(?pubDate) = xsd:gYear && ?pubDate >=
> > "2000"^^xsd:gYear && ?pubDate <= "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
> >          )
> >
> >          && (regex (?keyword, "sickness", "i"))
> >          )
> >      }
> >      GROUP BY ?type ?abstract ?pubDate ?paper ?doi ?title ?access
> >
> >      ORDER BY ?pubDate ?paper
> >      LIMIT 50
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 6 May 2021 at 20:10, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> Showing the query would be helpful but some general remarks:
> >>
> >> 1/ If the query or the setup for Fuseki is needing more than the default
> >> heap size, then it might be that the Java JVM is getting into a state of
> >> heap exhaustion. This manifests as the CPU loading getting very high. It
> >> will seem like nothing is happening (waiting for response).
> >>
> >> 2/ The query may be expensive.
> >>
> >> Things to look for
> >> * cross products - two parts of the query pattern that are not
> >> connected.
> >>
> >> { ?s ?p ?o . ?a ?b ?c } is N-squared the size of the database.
> >>
> >> * sort, spilling to disk or combined with a cross product the query.
> >>
> >> 3/ If no results are coming back, then the query is form that does not
> >> stream back - sort, or CONSTRUCT maybe.
> >>
> >> There was a useful presentation recently that talks about the principles
> >> of query efficiency.
> >>
> >> SPARQL Query Optimization with Pavel Klinov
> >>
> >>
> >> More inline:
> >>
> >> On 06/05/2021 09:54, Martin Van Aken wrote:
> >>> Hi!
> >>> I'm Martin, I'm a software developer new to the Triples/SPARQL world.
> I'm
> >>> currently building queries against a Fuseki/TDB backend (that I can
> work
> >> on
> >>> too) and I'm getting into significant performance problems (including
> >> never
> >>> ending queries).
> >>
> >> Are updates also happening at the same time?
> >>
> >>> Despite what I thought was a good search on the apache
> >>> jena website I could not find a lot of insight about performance
> >>> investigation so I'm trying it here.
> >>>
> >>> Most of my data experience comes from the relational world (ex: PG) so
> >> I'm
> >>> sometimes drawing comparisons there.
> >>>
> >>> To give some context my data set is around 15 linked concepts, with the
> >>> number of triples for each ranging from some hundreds to 500K - total
> >> less
> >>> than 2 millions (documents/authors/publication kind of data).
> >>>
> >>> Unto questions:
> >>>
> >>>      - When I'm facing a slow query, what are my investigation
> options. Is
> >>>      there an equivalent of an "explain plan" in SQL pointing to the
> query
> >>>      specific slow points? What's the advised way for performance
> checks
> >> in
> >>>      SPARQL?
> >>
> >> qparse --print=opt --file query.rq
> >>
> >>>      - Are there any performance setups to be aware of on the server
> side?
> >>>      Like ways to check indexes are correctly built (outside of text
> >> search that
> >>>      I'm not working with for the moment)
> >>>      - We're currently using TDB1. I've seen the transactional
> benefits of
> >>>      TDB2 - are there performance improvements too that would warrant a
> >>>      migration there ?
> >>
> >> Not on the query side.
> >>
> >>       Andy
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks a lot already!
> >>>
> >>> Martin
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >

*Martin Van Aken - **Freelance Enthusiast Developer*

Mobile : +32 486 899 652

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