just fixing typo in my below e-mail

To notice that this doesn't happen with 3.13, just replace the
3.17-server with 3.13 in my reproducion steps. I my steps - I guess - the
source sever can be 3.13 or 3.17.


jaa...@kolumbus.fi kirjoitti 16.8.2021 13:09:

sorry for providing you too big amount of data for reproducing the problem.

Here's much smaller set for data source and a bit smaller script for
combining the NGs.

and the steps to reporoduce:

1) start source apache-jena-fuseki-server on port 3030

2) start target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server on port 3031

3) unzip and upload the attachment source.zip into source
apache-jena-fuseki-server on port 3030

curl -XPOST --header 'Content-Type: application/trig' --data-binary
@source.trig http://localhost:3030/source

4) create one in-memory dataset (e.g. target_in_memory) and one
persistent (e.g. target_persistent) dataset on target
apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server running on port 3031

5) update the source apache-jena-fuseki-server and source dataset in
combine_NGs2.sparql-script id needed

6) run combine_NGs2.sparql-script in in-memory dataset and persistent
dataset of the target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server for instance in
jena-fuseki GUI query tab

or using curl:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-update"  -X POST
http://localhost:3031/target_in_memory/update --data-binary

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-update"  -X POST
http://localhost:3031/target_persistent/update --data-binary

Compare the resutls. Even form jena-fuseki GUI edit-page when opening
the result default graps in the editor tab window it can be seen that
the in memory data set has less data than the persistent one.

As I've told before this issue didn't occur with apacahe-jane-fuseki-3.13.

And about your questions:

Where is the 3.13.0 server?

To notice that this doesn't happen with 3.13, just replace the
3.17-server with 3.17 in my above steps. I my staps - I guess - the
source sever can be 3.13 or 3.17.

Does it need the data pulled from another server that than execute on
already loaded data?

We didn't manage to combine the NGs within one server - we expected
that jena would try to use proxy or something like that...

Br, Jaana

Andy Seaborne kirjoitti 13.8.2021 23:02:
On 13/08/2021 12:03, jaa...@kolumbus.fi wrote:
Andy Seaborne kirjoitti 11.8.2021 17:38:
Hi there,

There isn't enough information to see what's happening.


see steps to repeat the issue below.

I've got all the parts of the example - it's not minimal though.

What is a short amount of data, shorter update script that shows the problem?

Does it need the data pulled from another server that than execute on
already loaded data?

There is a data file of 363,559 quads (which has warnings), a SPARQL
update script of 241 lines.

To work out what is going on, someone has to reduce that large setup
to the part that causes the difference.

The first thing that script does is delete all the local data and pull
some, not all, data from the source server. Is that step necessary?

I don't believe it needs all the data and all the script to show a
difference nor that it needs to pull the data out of one server, and
put it in the local store in order to be different, why not just load
something directly?

The rest of the update does some kind of manipulation of the data - I
don't understand what it is trying to do - its purpose relates the to
data model.

You are in a much better place to reduce that large script to a
minimal one that shows a difference because it's your application.

Does it need all those steps together to show the difference or just
one of them?  (BTW each update step is done independency: there'll be
a point where the answers start diverging.)

Looking at it though, the use of

    graph ?g { }.
  graph ?g {
    .. some pattern ..
    .. some BIND involving ?g ..

is pretty suspect.
Omit the first part and put the BIND after the second:

Move the BIND to after the
  graph ?g {
    .. some pattern ..
 .. some BIND involving ?g ..


Where is the 3.13.0 server?

1) start source apache-jena-fuseki-server on port 3030

2) start target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server on port 3031

3) unzip and upload the attachment ds.zip into source apache-jena-fuseki-server on port 3030 using command

     curl -XPOST --header 'Content-Type: application/trig' --data-binary @ds.trig http://<source apache-jena-fuseki-server>:3030/<source dataset>

4) create one in-memory dataset and one persistent dataset on target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server

5) update the source apache-jena-fuseki-server and source dataset in combine_NGs.sparql-file

6) run combine_NGs.sparql-script in in-memory dataset and persistent dataset of the target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server

Run how?

7) run query

    SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
      WHERE {
       ?subject ?predicate ?object

in in-memory dataset and persistent dataset of the target apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0-server and compare the results.

See attachements in_memory.png and persistent.png for my results after the above procedure.

That's screenshots of a count: just do

SELECT (Count(*) AS ?C) { ?s ?p ?o }


The first thing to do is dump, or Fuseki backup, the database from
each setup and see if they are the same.

Then if they are, send a minimal reproducible example [1].
Something someone else can run.



On 11/08/2021 13:35, jaa...@kolumbus.fi wrote:

My jena-fuseki database consists of several named graphs. In order to provide users graphql-like interface to jena-fuseki I have to combine my NGs into one big default graph for HyperGraphql (https://www.hypergraphql.org/) that provides the interface.

At some point the users started to get less data than before and when I investigated the issue I noticed that this was after upgrading jena-fuseki from 3.13 to 3.17 !

To combine the NGs I'm using the following command:

   curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-update"  -X POST http://<myTargetHost>:8061/<myDs>/update --data-binary "@./combine-NGs.sparql"

(see NGs_to_be_combined.txt for hint of my source database and combine-NGs.sparql as the executed script).

So I run the combine-NGs.sparql-script in the target jena host and the target dataset.

If I use in-memory dataset as my target dataset I get only half of the triplets cmapared to the amount of triplets with persistent dataset. This happens only with jena-fuseki 3.17.

In 3.13 I haven't seen this issue!

Br, Jaana

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