On Mon, 27 Sept 2021 at 21:05, Martynas Jusevičius <marty...@atomgraph.com>

> Danny,
> Have you checked
> https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/fuseki-security.html

Yes, thanks, but so far only really looked at wide open...

> Re. the first part, your Fuseki runs on http:// but your links lead to
> https://. If you fix the links to be http://, the data from Fuseki
> will still not load because the browser will not load insecure content
> for a secure page.
> So yes you need to put Fuseki on https:// and you need a certificate
> for it.

Right. Oddly there does seem to be a loophole (bug) somewhere with Chrome,
my minimal bookmarking app was doing updates to the store without running
into the insecure-inside-secure browser thing. I haven't been able to
isolate why those scripts work and others don't - some fluke.

> You can get them free using LetsEncrypt:
> https://letsencrypt.org/

That is very useful information!

Kind-of ironically, I'd set up hyperdata.it with a pay-for cert from the
DNS co. I use, gandi.net. It looked ok as https in the browser.
I was trying to get an old server-side Java app running, an RSS aggregator.
Some obscure problems, so cut the list down to just my blog, allegedly
https://hyperdata.it/blog. Got an error from Java complaining of an
incomplete cert chain.
Spent *ages* trying to figure out the right combo of cert files in Apache,
no joy.
So tried letsencrypt.org via certbot.
Initial silliness thanks to XAMPP dir layout (needed sudo certbot
--apache-ctl /opt/lampp/bin/apachectl), but then it Just Worked.

So I've still a little fiddling to do, but solution seems in sight: I think
I'll put a cert on fuseki.hyperdata.it, tweak DNS & have Apache do a rev
proxy to :3030.

> If you want to consider AWS, we are currently working on pre-packaged
> Fuseki that takes one click to install, with HTTPS and all.
> https://twitter.com/namedgraph/status/1442497225444126722

That will be a very pleasing thing!

Many thanks.

btw, atomgraph.com appears to be timing out.


> Martynas
> atomgraph.com
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 8:52 PM Danny Ayers <danny.ay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > For the first time in ages I've got a host, want Fuseki as my main
> backend
> > but am struggling with aspects related to security. Some specific issues,
> > but broader problems, seems likely other folks have dealt with them
> > already. (I have no idea of current best practices, even less on security
> > in general). Mostly not Fuseki-specific...
> >
> > I've got Fuseki running happily on the server - behind a reverse proxy on
> > Apache, a XAMPP* install on Ubuntu. I would like to leave the endpoints
> > open for read, restricted write.
> > Right now may be totally visible at http://hyperdata.it:3030, creds:
> admin
> > sasha.
> >
> > The twistiest issue:
> > I'm serving a page, https://hyperdata.it/newsmonitor/river.html which
> > includes an Ajax query to a SPARQL endpoint on Fuseki.
> > I have an SSL certificate on the server. Browser balks. Straight http
> > called inside page served over https not liked. Something like 'mixed
> > messages'.
> > Do I really have to pay for another certificate to cover port 3030?
> > Workaround?
> >
> > More general question is how to manage sitewide access control. Ideally
> I'd
> > like something that behaves like common sites, with read-only for
> anonymous
> > and some writing available for registered users. Hooks into OAuth2 or
> > whatever would be nice, sign in via Google or whatever...
> >
> > Has anyone used (bits of) Solid as a manager for these things?
> >
> > Yeah, I want it to be magic.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Danny.
> >
> > * Although I found the XAMPP install very easy for setting up a Wordpress
> > blog, the Apache setup is not like the standard Ubuntu version. Very
> > confusing when I wanted to go beyond that,  seemingly arbitrary config
> > files included in unfamiliar places.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ----
> >
> > http://hyperdata.it <http://hyperdata.it/danja>


http://hyperdata.it <http://hyperdata.it/danja>

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