rsparql does not have authentication support.

You can use curl which has support for HTTP authentication:

  curl -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds";

that returns application/sparql-results+json

Use "-u user:password" or .netrc to put user and password in a secured file.

  curl -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds?format=text";

returns the text format if asking Fuseki.

For some other triple store, you can format the results locally with "rset"

curl -s -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds"; | \
    rset -in json -out text -- -


On 06/01/2023 16:30, Steven Blanchard wrote:
Hello Jena Team,

I currently use jena to perform sparql queries on local files with arq and on remote public databases with rsparql. Now, i would like to perform sparql queries with rsparql on a remote private database that requires authentication by login and password. In your documentation, you describe how to identify yourself using your java api (<>). Is it possible to perform this identification with your rsparql program? Having never programmed in java, I would like if possible to use as much as possible the programs that you have created.

I use Jena v4.6.1 on a fedora 36 with openjdk 17.0.5.

Thank you for your answer and your great work,


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