It's a commandline tool in the Jena distribution [1]



On 09.01.23 01:42, Justin wrote:
Hi Andy,

What repo or package contains the "rset" utility?

Not this one I assume?

On Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 5:16 PM Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

rsparql does not have authentication support.

You can use curl which has support for HTTP authentication:

    curl -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds";

that returns application/sparql-results+json

Use "-u user:password" or .netrc to put user and password in a secured

    curl -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds?format=text";

returns the text format if asking Fuseki.

For some other triple store, you can format the results locally with "rset"

curl -s -d query='SELECT * {}' "http://localhost:3030/ds"; | \
      rset -in json -out text -- -


On 06/01/2023 16:30, Steven Blanchard wrote:
Hello Jena Team,

I currently use jena to perform sparql queries on local files with arq
and on remote public databases with rsparql.
Now, i would like to perform sparql queries with rsparql on a remote
private database that requires authentication by login and password.
In your documentation, you describe how to identify yourself using your
java api
it possible to perform this identification with your rsparql program?
Having never programmed in java, I would like if possible to use as much
as possible the programs that you have created.

I use Jena v4.6.1 on a fedora 36 with openjdk 17.0.5.

Thank you for your answer and your great work,


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