See if this thread help.



On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Withers, Robert <>wrote:

> I am struggling to load kafka into eclipse to get started.  I have tried
> to follow the instructions here:
>, but I cannot connect
> to the SVN repo to check-out.  A co-worked pulled from github, but I seem
> to be missing a lot of jars.  This post mentions over a hundred jars that I
> should add to the build path:
>  Furthermore, I can only get scala 2.10 working in Juno, as the 2.9 version
> does not seem to install correctly (I cannot find a scala project option
> with 2.9).
> Can anyone provide workable instructions for getting this puppy up and
> running?
> Thanks,
> rob

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