Hello everyone,

After doing some searching on the mailing list for best practices on
integrating Avro with Kafka there appears to be at least 3 options for
integrating the Avro Schema; 1) embedding the entire schema within the
message 2) embedding a unique identifier for the schema in the message and
3) deriving the schema from the topic/resource name.

Option 2, appears to be the best option in terms of both efficiency and
flexibility.  However, from a programming perspective it complicates the
solution with the need for both an envelope schema (containing a "schema
id" and "bytes" field for record data) and message schema (containing the
application specific message fields).  This requires two levels of
1) How are others dealing with versioning of schemas?
2) Is there a more elegant means of embedding a schema ids in a Avro
message (I am new to both currently ;-)?

Thanks in advance!


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