At LinkedIn, we are using option 2.



On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Shone Sadler <>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> After doing some searching on the mailing list for best practices on
> integrating Avro with Kafka there appears to be at least 3 options for
> integrating the Avro Schema; 1) embedding the entire schema within the
> message 2) embedding a unique identifier for the schema in the message and
> 3) deriving the schema from the topic/resource name.
> Option 2, appears to be the best option in terms of both efficiency and
> flexibility.  However, from a programming perspective it complicates the
> solution with the need for both an envelope schema (containing a "schema
> id" and "bytes" field for record data) and message schema (containing the
> application specific message fields).  This requires two levels of
> serialization/deserialization.
> Questions:
> 1) How are others dealing with versioning of schemas?
> 2) Is there a more elegant means of embedding a schema ids in a Avro
> message (I am new to both currently ;-)?
> Thanks in advance!
> Shone

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