Only leaders report the message-in-rate metrics. For balancing the leaders,
take a look at



On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Arjun <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just checked the list topic. There is data in the kafka logs directory.
> My set up as said has 3 brokers, with replication factor 2.
> One thing i see in the output of the list topic is, no partition has this
> node as a leader. Is this the reason for bean not showing up anything?
> Thanks
> Arjun Narasimha kota
> On Monday 26 May 2014 06:09 PM, Devanshu Srivastava wrote:
>> Hi Arjun ,
>> What is the configured number of logical partitions per topic per server .
>> With the partition size as 2 , Only two partitions would be created
>> distributed over 2 brokers with one partition each , you can confirm  the
>> same by checking the log file directory for each broker (default -
>> /tmp/kafka-logs). Probably the 3d broker does not have any Topic-partition
>> for data to be written/read.
>> You may also use tool : bin/ –zookeeper
>> localhost:2181 –topic
>> {topic-name}
>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Arjun <> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> We have a Kafka cluster which contains 3 kafka brokers. Data is pushed
>>> into kafka queue continously.
>>> To monitor the kafka brokers, we use the JMX metrics given by kafka.
>>> One thing i observed is there is one broker which is returning*"0"*  all
>>> the time for the bean
>>> *"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="
>>> AllTopicsMessagesInPerSec"
>>> .
>>> *
>>> Is there some thing i should worry about? i am able to get the data from
>>> kafka and push the data into kafka with out a glitch.
>>> Thanks
>>> Arjun Narasimha Kota
>>> *
>>> *

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