Hello everyone,

We are adding Kafka 0.8.x monitoring support to SPM
<http://sematext.com/spm/> here at Sematext. Unfortunately, we quickly hit
an issue caused by the new bean naming convention that embeds things like
topic and host names in the beans along with metrics, separated by dashes,
making it hard to parse these beans.

To put it simply: it is hard/impossible to automatically figure out which
part of the bean name is e.g. consumer group, which is the topic, which is
the host name, and which is the name of the metric.

Let me show you what I mean:



Here we actually CAN extract:

 * consumer group ('af_servers')

 * topic ('spm_topic')

 * metric (‘BytesPerSec’)

BUT what if the consumer group id and/or topic name contain '-'?

Then how would we extract consumer group and topic?

Here is a concrete example of this problem:



How can we know what is group id or topic name here?

This looks like a problem to me, but maybe I’m missing something?

Is it possible to have all these values (group id, topic name) as separate
attributes inside JMX bean?

Or maybe the problem could be solved if a different delimiter was used,
such as the pipe (“I”)?

It is really needed things and will be nice to have it to build good tool
for monitoring.

Thx and best regards from Sematext.

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