Hello everyone, We are adding Kafka 0.8.x monitoring support to SPM <http://sematext.com/spm/> here at Sematex and I have one question about JMX Kafka beans:
In Jconsole for my local setup I see: kafka.consumer:type="FetchRequestAndResponseMetrics",name=" af-servers-ConsumerFetcherThread-af-servers-wawanawna-Dell-1401353748289-fcaaea29-0-0-host_localhost-my-port_9092-FetchRequestRateAndTimeMs " This long name actually contains consumer group id ('af-servers'), host ('wawanawna-Dell'), and a few other things, which I can recognize as a human…. Maybe someone can clarify for me what this line contains, especially part '1401353748289-fcaaea29-0-0'. What timestamp represents here? What 'fcaaea' means? Does it just id of something? What is '-0-0-' here? Does it relates to partitions somehow? Thx and best regards from Sematext.