Actually, we do give you an error if an invalid topic is created through
CLI. When we add a create topic api, we can return the correct error code

bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic="te+dd"
--partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Error while executing topic command topic name te+dd is illegal, contains a
character other than ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'

kafka.common.InvalidTopicException: topic name te+dd is illegal, contains a
character other than ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'



On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 1:46 AM, Michael G. Noll <>

> Wouldn't it be helpful to throw an error or a warning if the user
> tries to create a topic with an invalid name?  Currently neither the
> API nor the CLI tools inform you that you are naming a topic in a way
> you shouldn't.
> And as Otis pointed out elsewhere in this thread this ties back into
> the JMX/MBean issues related the usage of "-"/dashes and
> "_"/underscores, which are unfortunately the only non-alphanumeric
> characters that are at your disposal to add reasonable "structure" to
> your Kafka topic names. (
> Do you mind sharing your topic naming convention at LinkedIn?
> --Michael
> On 11.09.2014 00:24, Jun Rao wrote:
> > We actually don't allow "." in the topic name. Topic name can be
> > alpha-numeric plus "-" and "_".
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jun
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Bhavesh Mistry
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks, I was using without JMX.  I will go through doc.  But how
> >> about Topic or Metric name Topic Name Convention or Metric Name
> >> Convention ?  The dot notation with topic having a ".".  Any
> >> future plan to enforce some stand rules.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Bhavesh
> >>
> >> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Jay Kreps <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Bhavesh,
> >>>
> >>> Each of those JMX attributes comes with documentation. If you
> >>> open up jconsole and attach to a jvm running the consumer you
> >>> should be able to read the descriptions for each attribute.
> >>>
> >>> -Jay
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Bhavesh Mistry
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>> Kafka Team,
> >>>>
> >>>> Can you please let me know what each of following Metrics
> >>>> means ?  Some
> >>> of
> >>>> them are obvious, but some are hard to understand. My Topic
> >>>> name is *TOPIC_NAME*.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> can we enforce a Topic Name Convention or Metric Name
> >>>> Convention.
> >>> Because
> >>>> in previous version of Kafka, we have similar issue of
> >>>> parsing Kafka Metrics name with host name issue (codahale
> >>>> lib) .  I have topic name
> >>> with
> >>>> “.”  So, it is hard to distinguish metric name and topic.
> >>>> Also,  when guys get chance I would appreciate if you guys
> >>>> can explain metric description on wiki so community would
> >>>> know what to monitor.  Please
> >> see
> >>>> below for full list of metrics from new producer.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>> Bhavesh
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> record-queue-time-avg NaN *node-1.*request-latency-max
> >>>> -Infinity record-size-max -Infinity
> >>>> *node-1.*incoming-byte-rate NaN request-size-avg NaN
> >>>> *node-1.*request-latency-avg NaN *node-2.*request-size-avg
> >>>> NaN requests-in-flight 0.0 bufferpool-wait-ratio NaN
> >>>> network-io-rate NaN metadata-age 239.828
> >>>> records-per-request-avg NaN record-retry-rate NaN
> >>>> buffer-total-bytes 6.7108864E7 buffer-available-bytes
> >>>> 6.7108864E7 topic.*TOPIC_NAME*.record-error-rate NaN
> >>>> record-send-rate NaN select-rate NaN
> >>>> node-2.outgoing-byte-rate NaN
> >>>> topic.*TOPIC_NAME*.record-retry-rate NaN batch-size-max
> >>>> -Infinity connection-creation-rate NaN
> >>>> node-1.outgoing-byte-rate NaN topic.*TOPIC_NAME*.byte-rate
> >>>> NaN waiting-threads 0.0 batch-size-avg NaN io-wait-ratio NaN
> >>>> io-wait-time-ns-avg NaN io-ratio NaN
> >>>> topic.TOPIC_NAME.record-send-rate NaN request-size-max
> >>>> -Infinity record-size-avg NaN request-latency-max -Infinity
> >>>> node-2.request-latency-max -Infinity record-queue-time-max
> >>>> -Infinity node-2.response-rate NaN node-1.request-rate NaN
> >>>> node-1.request-size-max -Infinity connection-count 3.0
> >>>> incoming-byte-rate NaN compression-rate-avg NaN request-rate
> >>>> NaN node-1.response-rate NaN node-2.request-latency-avg NaN
> >>>> request-latency-avg NaN record-error-rate NaN
> >>>> connection-close-rate NaN *node-2.*request-size-max
> >>>> -Infinity topic.TOPIC_NAME.compression-rate NaN
> >>>> node-2.incoming-byte-rate NaN node-1.request-size-avg NaN
> >>>> io-time-ns-avg NaN outgoing-byte-rate NaN
> >>>> *node-2*.request-rate NaN response-rate NaN
> >>>
> >>
> >

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