Thanks I'll take a look at both. Just to be sure we are talking about
client version 0.82 right?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Guozhang Wang <> wrote:

> Rajiv,
> The new producer does maintain a buffer per partition, but you need to
> consider synchronizing the access to the buffer since it can take data from
> multiple caller threads. I think Jay's suggestion 1) does the same thing
> for your purpose if you already have the data buffer storing your data: by
> creating a ProduceRecord it would not incur copying the data into a
> temporary buffer, but instead mark the offset / length of in the byte
> buffer that user specifies, the when producer.send() is called the
> underlying buffer is copied to the producer buffer. If you do not have the
> data buffer but just want to write directly to the producer buffer that is
> one step further.
> As for the consumer, you can take a look at the MemoryRecord's iterator
> implementation, which I think already implements what you want.
> Guozhang
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Rajiv Kurian <>
> wrote:
> > I want to avoid allocations since I am using Java in a C mode. Even
> though
> > creating objects is a mere thread local pointer bump in Java, freeing
> them
> > is not so cheap and causes  uncontrollable jitter. The second motivation
> is
> > to avoid copying of data. Since I have objects which really look like C
> > structs that can be sent over the wire it's most efficient for me to
> write
> > them out in the very exact buffer that will be sent over the wire.
> >
> > As for the bad API I completely agree -  it is a very C style API and
> > definitely not usable in a productive way by most developers. My point
> was
> > that this work is done by the protocol handling layer in any case, maybe
> it
> > can be extended to allow a user access to it's internals in a safe way
> both
> > during writing and reading. The present API then can be written as a
> layer
> > over this "ugly" non allocating API.
> >
> > Re (1) and (2). Instead of giving out keys, values as bytes which implies
> > copies, I'd ideally like to scribble them straight into the buffer that
> you
> > are accumulating data onto before sending it. I am guessing you already
> > need a single buffer per partition or you have a single buffer per
> broker.
> > All of this probably implies a single threaded producer where I can be in
> > charge of the event loop.
> >
> > Right now my data is within ByteBuffer/Unsafe buffer based data
> structures.
> > They can be put on the wire without any serialization step if I was using
> > Java NIO. Similarly they can be consumed on the other side without any
> > deserialization step. But with the current kafka API I have to:
> >   i) Copy data from my ByteBuffers onto new byte arrays.
> >  ii) Wrap byte arrays from (i) in a new object. I can't even re-use this
> > object since I don't know when kafka's send thread/serialization thread
> is
> > really done with it.
> >  iii) Write an encoder that just takes the byte array from this wrapper
> > object and hands it to Kafka.
> >
> > Similarly on the consumer:
> >   i) Kafka will make copies of slices (representing user values) of the
> > ByteBuffer that was transferred from a broker into byte arrays.
> >  ii) Allocate an object  (using the decoder) that wraps these byte arrays
> > and hand them to me.
> >
> > My imaginary (admittedly non-java-esque manual allocation style) API
> would
> > give me a pointer to Kafka's ByteBuffer that it has been accumulating
> > protocol messages on for either writing (on producer) or reading (on
> > consumer). I know it's a long shot but I still wanted to get the team's
> > thoughts on it. I'd be happy to contribute if we can come to an agreement
> > on the API design. My hypothesis is that if the internal protocol parsing
> > and buffer creation logic is written like this, it wouldn't be too tough
> to
> > expose it's innards and have the current encoding/decoding APIs just use
> > this low level API/
> >
> > Thanks for listening to my rant.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:
> >
> > > It sounds like you are primarily interested in optimizing the producer?
> > >
> > > There is no way to produce data without any allocation being done and I
> > > think getting to that would be pretty hard and lead to bad apis, but
> > > avoiding memory allocation entirely shouldn't be necessary. Small
> > transient
> > > objects in java are pretty cheap to allocate and deallocate. The new
> > Kafka
> > > producer API that is on trunk and will be in 0.8.2 is much more
> > disciplined
> > > in it's usage of memory though there is still some allocation. The goal
> > is
> > > to avoid copying the *data* multiple times, even if we do end up
> creating
> > > some small helper objects along the way (the idea is that the data may
> be
> > > rather large).
> > >
> > > If you wanted to further optimize the new producer there are two things
> > > that could be done that would help:
> > > 1. Avoid the copy when creating the ProducerRecord instance. This could
> > be
> > > done by accepting a length/offset along with the key and value and
> making
> > > use of this when writing to the records instance. As it is your key and
> > > value need to be complete byte arrays.
> > > 2. Avoid the copy during request serialization. This is a little
> > trickier.
> > > During request serialization we need to take the records for each
> > partition
> > > and create a request that contains all of them. It is possible to do
> this
> > > with no further recopying of data but somewhat tricky.
> > >
> > > My recommendation would be to try the new producer api and see how that
> > > goes. If you need to optimize further we would definitely take patches
> > for
> > > (1) and (2).
> > >
> > > -Jay
> > >
> > > On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Rajiv Kurian <>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > I have a flyweight style protocol that I use for my messages. Thus
> they
> > > > require no serialization/deserialization to be processed. The
> messages
> > > are
> > > > just offset, length pairs within a ByteBuffer.
> > > >
> > > > Is there a producer and consumer API that forgoes allocation? I just
> > want
> > > > to give the kakfa producer offsets from a ByteBuffer. Similarly it
> > would
> > > be
> > > > ideal if I could get a ByteBuffer and offsets into it from the
> > consumer.
> > > > Even if I could get byte arrays (implying a copy but no decoding
> phase)
> > > on
> > > > the consumer that would be great. Right now it seems to me that the
> > only
> > > > way to get messages from Kafka is through a message object, which
> > implies
> > > > Kafka allocates these messages all the time. I am willing to use the
> > > > upcoming 0.9 API too.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks.
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --
> -- Guozhang

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